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Visualizing Earthquakes #78

Closed rasagy closed 7 months ago

rasagy commented 11 months ago

For the final assignment, let’s use the USGS Earthquake Catalog to visualize earthquakes on a map.

For the assignment, try to narrow down on the three filters for your narrative: Minimum magnitude, Date range and Geographic Region and add that as a comment below.

Next, pick one of the following tools to visualize this data:

  1. Tableau: Read about how to make proportional symbol maps (dots sized by data), and how to add a custom Mapbox style to Tableau.
  2. Flourish: Try the Time Map template for a timeline view, or experiment with the 3D Marker map
  3. Mapbox Studio + Mapbox GL: Check out the heatmap tutorial, timeline visualization tutorial and scrollytelling example. Also see Alli’s video tutorials on visualizing trees.
  4. DataWrapper: Use the Symbol Map approach to bring in your data and create dots on a map.

For the final submission, make sure your visualization tells a story — choose an insightful heading, give it a description, use annotations & help the reader understand your story.

For inspiration, have a look at what your senior batch did: #38 & #44.

Yash2412kothari commented 11 months ago

I downloaded earthquake data from USGS website. These were the filters I used:

Magnitude > 2.5 Date and Time: 1999-08-16T18:16:11.370Z to 2003-10-11T09:47:53.620Z Location: Region Around Bhuj, Gujarat

The devastating Bhuj earthquake of 2001 occurred on January 26, 2001, near the Pakistani border in Bhuj, Gujarat. The concept was to observe the sequential events occurring near Bhuj in the following years.

Link to visualization:

Screenshot (76)

abhishekshirsagar commented 11 months ago

Data: Magnitude > 7.5 all around the world Source: USCG Earthquake Catalog

Hypothesis for Narrative: The earthquakes will move along the edges of tectonic plates in a linear manner. Conclusions: None found.

Plotting Timeline of Earthquakes on Flourish

Tried visualising the data on Google Earth image image Google Earth has no option to change colour & size or animate. Can only change name of events.

avanibhagdi commented 11 months ago

Earthquakes, Aftershocks, Foreshocks

Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that occur in the days or even years following a larger event, or "mainshock"; and foreshocks are similarly smaller earthquakes that occur in the days leading up to the main incident.

I was especially interested in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, that occurred on 26th December 2004. Were there possibly smaller events leading up to and following this tragic incident? hypothetically, yes

Hence, I used the following filters- Magnitude: 2.5+ Date and Time: 2003-12-26 00:00:00 to 2005-12-26 00:00:00 (the incident occurred exactly in the middle of these two points) Location: Region Around Sumatra, Indonesia


timeline of earthquakes (2003-2005, Indian Ocean Region)

The graph does indeed show a series of smaller incidents in the year before the incident; followed by a sharp spike in December 2004, followed by another peak in 2005, before diffusing into a series of aftershocks.

Anshika1105 commented 11 months ago

Anshika Gangwar

The Pacific Ring of Fire: Unveiling a History of Devastating Earthquakes

The Pacific Ring of Fire, a geological wonder encircling the Pacific Ocean, continues to baffle experts with its relentless seismic activity. Renowned for its frequent and intense earthquakes, this horseshoe-shaped region has left an indelible mark on history, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. Seismic data from authoritative sources, such as the United States Geological Survey (USGS), underscores the region's staggering impact. A striking 81% of the world's most significant earthquakes originate here, a chilling testament to its geological potency. Over the past century, it has borne witness to 75% of history's deadliest quakes, spanning from minor tremors to catastrophic events.

Filters used: Magnitude: 7+ Date and Time: 1923-01-01 00:00:00 to 2023-08-26 00:00:00 (basically past 100 years) Location: Circum-Pacific Belt, a path along the Pacific Ocean

new earthquake

earthquake visualisation

RaghavSamodia1 commented 10 months ago

Data = 3000 strongest earthquakes by magnitude in the Indian subcontinent from the year 2000, more significant than mag 2.5 hypothesis, we might be able to find artificial earthquakes that are far from tectonic plate conclusion none found

Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 11 26 39 PM Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 10 44 30 AM

AhmadThahaHussain commented 10 months ago

Ahmad Thaha Hussain 21U130016

All the earthquakes above 4.5 that happened near Argentina in the 21st century till now(2000-2023).


ANOOF-PK commented 10 months ago

Magnitude > 5 Date and Time: 2000-01-01 to 2023-08-19 Location: Indonesia Source: USCG

I chose Indonesia as This Country has the highest earthquake happened and I filtered Magnitude as 5. Indonesia, a nation defined by its stunning landscapes and seismic activity, experienced a series of significant earthquakes between 2000 and 2023. These temblors, a reminder of Earth's dynamic nature, left indelible marks on the region. From the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that claimed countless lives, to subsequent quakes highlighting the nation's vulnerability, Indonesia's resilience shines amidst the tremors. These events spurred advancements in disaster preparedness, emphasizing the urgent need for global cooperation in safeguarding vulnerable communities against the earth's mighty rumblings.


Tried in both Mapbox and Flourish Link Link

AditiChintey commented 10 months ago


Area Chose : China The country that experienced the most fatalities due to earthquakes is China. China is located on the top of the Eurasian plate, part of the Indian plate, and a small part of the Philippine Sea plate. Being located in such an active area, China has experienced many catastrophic earthquakes during its history and accounts for roughly half of all earthquake deaths.

lakshrajpal1803 commented 10 months ago

Laksh Rajpal | 21u130028

Magnitude>7.5 Duration: 1885 - 2023 Location: Entire Map

Hypothesis: This unique map provides a glimpse into earthquakes that have occurred since 1885. Notably, this year marks the establishment of BHP, a significant mining company. Mining involves extracting valuable resources from the Earth's crust, which can sometimes have an impact on the stability of the ground. This connection raises intriguing questions about whether the activities of BHP and similar enterprises might have played a role in shaping seismic events. By observing the data on this map, we can explore the correlation between mining, seismic activity, and the dynamic forces at play beneath our feet


Screenshot 2023-08-19 221225

akashdas58 commented 10 months ago

Akash Das | 21u130020

Magnitude≥6.5 Duration: 2000 - 2023 Location: Japan

Resilience Rising: Reflecting on Japan's 2011 Earthquake

The 2011 Earthquake in Japan was one of the deadliest earthquake in 21st century. On March 11, Japan is struck by an enormous 9.0-magnitude earthquake, unleashing a towering tsunami that levels communities along the country's north-eastern coast. Around 18,500 people are left dead or missing as the terrifying wall of water travelling at the speed of a jet plane swallows up everything in its path. The timeline map shows the scale of 2011 earthquake compared to others and how many 6.5 or above magnitude earthquakes (6.5 magnitude earthquake can easily destroy poorly constructed buildings) happened in Japan in 21st century. (Graph showing the scale of earthquake in 2011 compared to others)

Screenshot 2023-08-23 002040


anniketmohalik commented 10 months ago

Anniket Mohalik | 21U130008

Magnitude >5 Duration: 2000 - 2023 Location: Sichuan province, China

The Sichuan Earthquake

The [Sichuan earthquake of 2008] left over 5 million people homeless across the region, and over half of town of Beichuan was destroyed by the initial seismic event and the release of water from a nearby lake. Striking on May 12, 2008, the quake brought enormous devastation to the mountainous central region of Sichuan province in southwestern China. The epicentre of the magnitude-7.9 quake (measured as magnitude 8.0 by Chinese scientists) was in the city of Wenchuan, about 60 miles (100 km) north-northwest of Chengdu, the provincial capital; some four-fifths of the structures in that area were flattened. Whole villages and towns in the mountains were destroyed.



SamarthDhanuka commented 10 months ago

Samarth Dhanuka 21U130001 BDes, 3rd Year

Earthquakes, as we know, occur due to disturbances (collisions) caused by the tectonic plates. Locating earthquakes over a period of time could help prove this point, or if we choose to go the other way around, plotting earthquakes over a long period of time could help us plot the edges of the tectonic plates. On plotting earthquakes of magnitude ≥ 6 that occurred from 1902-2022 (a span of 100 years), we see that the activity is not even across the edges of all tectonic plates and cannot be used to plot or even find many of these tectonic plates. The highest seismic activity can be seen on the Eastern edge of the Pacific Plate and hence the most affected nations include Japan, Korea, etc. There also seems to be higher activities along coasts which demarks that some tectonic plates are separated along these longer coasts such as that of South America and some of North America. There are still some interesting cases of earthquakes that are almost in the exact center of the major tectonic plates but there are very minute such cases.


Data Visualization on Flourish Source: USGC Earthquake Catalogue

Mukul3110 commented 10 months ago

Mukul Mahajan 21u130029 B.des, 3rd Year

Visualizing all the earthquake with magnitude greater than 5 on the world map between 2013 and 2022. The visualization gives a clear vision of the Earthquakes belt. We see intensity of earthquakes that appear in the East and South-East Asia, followed by the western coast of South America.

Characteristics of Visualization-


Data Visualisation

Source: USGC Earthquake Catalogue

AnujsAmbhore1 commented 10 months ago

Anuj Ambhore 21U130031 B.des, 3rd Year

Data : Min. magnitude - 2.5 to Max. magnitude - 10 Date range - Jan 1, 2015 till Jan 1, 2023 Geographic Region - East Africa

East African Rift: A Rift in the African Continent's Heart

The following map shows the East African Rift (EAR), a tectonic feature that stretches approximately 3,000 kilometers across eastern Africa. It illustrates the prominent geological processes at play, where the African Plate is gradually splitting into the Nubian and Somali Plates, causing the formation of deep rift valleys and volcanic activity. The East African Rift's ever-changing nature shapes the landscape, triggers earthquakes, and may lead to major geological changes in the future, drawing attention from geologists and scientists.

Eastern African Rift (2)

Data Visualization on Flourish

Source : USCG Earthquake Catalog

Dhairya0802 commented 10 months ago

Dhairyasheel Pawar 21U130037 B.Des Third Year

Data: Magnitude 3.0 + in the Indian state of Andaman Nicobar Islands. Time: Jan 1, 2002, till Jan 1 2003.

Source: USCG Earthquake Catalog

A-toll of seismic movements: 2002 Earthquake Calendar of Andaman Nicobar Island.

The following map shows the earthquakes that happened in the Indian state of Andaman Nicobar Island. This region is prone to seismic activities as it is located on the tectonic boundary between the Indian plate and the Burmese plate. Earthquakes are quite frequent leading to natural calamities and tsunamis leading to loss of property and life.

Frame 1 (3)

Along with the timeline

rasagy commented 7 months ago

Grades submitted, closing this issue.