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Mapping Map Elements #79

Open rasagy opened 6 months ago

rasagy commented 6 months ago

Let’s start with a map inspiration exercise.

Find an example of a map and make a small map taxonomy chart with examples of key elements, such as:

For each map, write about:


ipsitaccc commented 6 months ago

Map Link

A4 - 1 A4 - 2

SamruddhiBulbule commented 6 months ago

Map Taxonomy

tinnicreatesXOXO commented 6 months ago

Sanjana Maiti got

Surabhiiy commented 6 months ago

Illustrated Map, Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, A3 Art Print - Etsy Frame 1

It's a map of ancient Egypt, showing the major gods and goddesses and where they were worshipped. It looks like a fun and colorful way to learn about Egyptian mythology

Link to the Map:

Designer/Cartographer: Neil and Charley of Puca Printhouse.

Topic/Area: This map focuses on the major deities of ancient Egyptian mythology, showcasing their locations of worship and also highlighting some lesser-known figures. It covers the entire geographical area of ancient Egypt, with the Nile River running prominently down the center.

Style: The map has a vibrant and playful hand-drawn style, full of illustrations. Text is used sparingly but effectively, only for god/goddess names.

What I loved: -The playful visuals and vibrant colors bring the map to life, making it visually appealing and engaging for viewers of all ages. Each god and goddess is instantly recognizable. -The map offers valuable information about Egyptian mythology. The placement of deities aligns with their major cult centers.

What could be better: -Name of the cities/areas could be added using a different typeface of font colour to give more information. -A digital version of the map with clickable icons or hover-over text bubbles for additional information and making it even more engaging. This could allow viewers to access deeper information directly on the map.

andriamarinus commented 6 months ago
1bacon's biblical map- andria;sort:pub_list_no_initialsort%2Cpub_date%2Cpub_list_no%2Cseries_no;lc:RUMSEY~8~1&mi=83&trs=16723#

Meg-exe commented 6 months ago

Map taxonomy

Eesha-2002 commented 6 months ago

Link -

taxonomy 2

gmeenal98 commented 6 months ago

Link to map -


Chinmayk79 commented 6 months ago

ChinmayK Link -;sort:pub_list_no%2Cpub_list_no%2Cseries_no%2Cseries_no;lc:RUMSEY~8~1&mi=8&trs=9#

Meg-exe commented 6 months ago

taxonomy chart - london map


ipsitaccc commented 6 months ago

Anmol's Taxonomy:

Link to map


arifalimw commented 6 months ago

Link: MAP

Slide 16_9 - 1 (3)

What I loved: -The illustrations' ability to depict the history and culture of the towns and their people is truly fascinating. -The use of limited colours in the illustrative map creates this visual harmony. -At first glance, the map might seem overwhelming, but when you zoom in it reveals a lot of interesting facts and names of these small towns and places that you otherwise would have missed.