mapsplugin / cordova-plugin-googlemaps

Google Maps plugin for Cordova
Apache License 2.0
1.66k stars 914 forks source link

Fundraising: Support for Capacitor iOS platform (クラウドファンディングのお願い) #2781

Open wf9a5m75 opened 4 years ago

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

Current amount: $400 (Nov, 10, 2020 PDT)!!



Ionic Capacitor has been getting popular choice to create hybrid applications. This plugin works on Capacitor Android, however does not work on Capacitor iOS due to technical reason.

I know how to resolve the technical problem, and I already confirmed this plugin works on Capacitor iOS in a test app before. However I have to make a big internal changes to support for Capacitor iOS platform. Not only iOS code, but also overall of this plugin code.

In order to work for this, I would like to make a fundraising for my work. The goal of the fundraising amount is $3,000 USD.



Supporter plan $ 50

Thank you for cheering me :)

code share :x:
private support (until project finish) :x:
share work progress :white_check_mark:

Beta tester plan $300

I will share the code when I feel the code is ready. I will provide public support, which means if you face troubles with the code, you can ask me to fix the issue in public issue channel. I might ask you to share your code and/or screen shots.

code share :white_check_mark:
private support (until project finish) :x:
share work progress :white_check_mark:

Gold plan $1,000

I will share the code when I feel the code is ready. I will provide private support channel, which means if you face troubles with the code, you can ask me to fix the issue in private issue channel. I might ask you to share your code and/or screen shots.

code share :white_check_mark:
private support (until project finish + extra one month) :white_check_mark:
share work progress :white_check_mark:

Free amount choice

Thank you for cheering me. Any amount for this plugin activities is really appreciated :)

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

I will send an invitation email to Google Groups for all supporters above the choices, then share the working progress through the mailing list.

Please make sure you receive the invitation email. If you don't receive it in 1 day, please let me know.

skulegirl commented 4 years ago

This is excellent! I will gladly be a beta support tester. Paypal is refusing my credit card so I just need to wait until some money gets transferred over there before I can pay up, but count Boondockers Welcome in for $300.

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

@skulegirl Thank you for considering positively. Some people might fail PayPal payment due to the credit card security.

The reason of choose PayPal are:

If you know any other options something like this, please suggest me.

ebk46 commented 4 years ago

You might also consider something like Venmo, which I believe has no fee and is also easy to manage.

mjamshidy commented 4 years ago

@wf9a5m75 Can you advertise it in ionic marketplace or somehow make it more public to ionic users? (share a gofundme page) I bet ionic user communities and specially companies that use ionic are very interested in this. To show my interest:Transaction ID: 9B845454A05734404

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your donation and your suggestion, @mjamshidy !

I will discuss with ionic team :)

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

*This is Japanese translated version




Ionic Capacitorはハイブリッドアプリのプラットホームの選択肢のうちの一つとして、人気になりつつあります。 Ionic Capacitorはcordovaと互換性がある仕様になっているので、@ionic-native/google-mapscordova-plugin-googlemapsを使用することが「仕様的には」可能です。

ただしあくまで「互換性」を維持しているだけなので、内部の実装がcordovaではないため、このプラグインは動きません。正確には、Capacitor Androidでは動きますが、Capacitor iOSでは動きません。



そこで、このプロジェクトのためのクラウドファンディングを行います。目標金額は$3,000 米ドルです。いくつか選択肢を提示しますので、可能な範囲で応援をしていただければありがたいです。



サポータープラン: $ 50


コードのシェア :x:
プライベートサポート(プロジェクト終了まで) :x:
進捗状況の報告 :white_check_mark:

ベータテスタープラン: $300

β版の準備ができた段階でコードをシェアします。それをあなたのアプリで使ってみてください。もし問題があれば、公開されているgithub issuesで対応します。この場合、あなたのアプリのスクリーンキャプチャやコードが公開されているgithub issues上に開示されることになります。

コードのシェア :white_check_mark:
プライベートサポート(プロジェクト終了まで) :x:
進捗状況の報告 :white_check_mark:



コードのシェア :white_check_mark:
プライベートサポート(プロジェクト終了 + 1ヶ月まで) :white_check_mark:
進捗状況の報告 :white_check_mark:



mariusbolik commented 4 years ago

Sent you $300 :) Transaction ID: 4HA121341A458084Y

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

Hi, @mariusbolik Thank you so much! I really appreciate for your donation!

I will send an invitation email from Google Groups to receive updates.

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

I would like do happy announce! As ionic announced in the ionic conference 2020, they supports this project! So the amount has been reached to the goal amount! I really appreciate for all donors!

Now, it's my turn. I will start the project from today, and will send the updates (work progress) to the all donors once a week.

battika commented 4 years ago

Understand that you reached the goals, but donated anyways. Waiting for the Google Groups invitation :) I will start rewriting one of my Ionic apps in few months so hopefully I will be able to perform some tests when something becomes available. Thanks Masashi for your stellar work again!

Tx ID: 3GM704903P599562V

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

I really appreciate for your kindness, @battika I sent an invitation to the Google Groups. Please join it.

madmacc commented 4 years ago

Excellent, also donated as I will be looking to use this for a project near the end of the year.
Looking forward to the updates!

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your donation, @madmacc !

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

Yes, this project extends one month, and change the goal. The original plan is just supporting the maps plugin on Capacitor/iOS with @ionic-native/google-maps. But there is a problem between @ionic-native/google-maps and capacitor.

Then I changed the goal of the project. Recreates the maps plugin as new plugins from scratch, which run as native plugins on each platform. Like @(new plugin name)/cordova, @(new plugin name)/capacitor

This change makes some benefits for me and you both. I'm working so hard!

JMCollins commented 4 years ago

I just donated for beta-tester. I got the Android version of this plugin working with Capacitor today and landed here when I went to Google building the iOS version. I am so glad I found your iOS Capacitor project before trying to do it myself. Looking forward to seeing your results! Cheers!

wf9a5m75 commented 4 years ago

@JMCollins Yes, I appreciate your donation. I sent a message to your email. Please check it out.

flo-85 commented 4 years ago

@wf9a5m75 Thanks for working on this project. I am currently using the google maps JS extension in my ionic app with the following features:

You can see a short video here:

Could you please let me know if those features will be available in the extension you are working on?

THEDOWNCOUNTRY commented 3 years ago

Hello @wf9a5m75

Any update on when this project will be available for IOS?

wf9a5m75 commented 3 years ago

Not yet. Still working on a lot of things

herefishyfish commented 3 years ago

Hi @wf9a5m75 just donated. 8MT93905UU275954C

THEDOWNCOUNTRY commented 3 years ago

Not yet. Still working on a lot of things

@wf9a5m75 do you have any estimate on a date it will be ready? Is there a BETA version we could use to test?

wf9a5m75 commented 3 years ago

@herefishyfish Thank you for your donation, and sorry for late response. I've been busy recently. I will contact you later.

wf9a5m75 commented 3 years ago

@THEDOWNCOUNTRY I have an update, but preparing. Please give me a couple of days. I'm busy recently

THEDOWNCOUNTRY commented 3 years ago

@wf9a5m75 awsome! thank you so much for your great work.

madmacc commented 3 years ago

@wf9a5m75 I see you refunded the donations as the project was delayed. Can I use the donate links above to re-donate my money? I don't care about a timeframe and appreciated the work you are doing.

EDIT: Anyone can "re"-donate their donations using the links above still.

flo-85 commented 3 years ago

@wf9a5m75 could you please provide an approximate date? it it going to be during the month of November you think?

THEDOWNCOUNTRY commented 3 years ago

@THEDOWNCOUNTRY I have an update, but preparing. Please give me a couple of days. I'm busy recently

Hello @wf9a5m75 any news yet?

wf9a5m75 commented 3 years ago

As you may know, this plugin (and this project) is developed using my private time. I already shared my situation to the donors, and my business is getting busy recently, I had no enough time to work on this project. And I've got hurt my neck due to my business last week, I'm focusing on treating my neck now.

I already refunded donors, but the project keeps going. No ETA.

panteleevnikita commented 3 years ago

How are you? Are there any news about estimated release?

JavierMoraCasas commented 3 years ago

Hello, any news of this?

timmyrosen commented 3 years ago

What happened here?

madmacc commented 3 years ago

As far as I am aware development is still ongoing. Last update on the 4th Jan 21. No ETA.

tomavic commented 3 years ago

Guys, what happened. It's 2021 🙆

THEDOWNCOUNTRY commented 3 years ago

As far as I am aware development is still ongoing. Last update on the 4th Jan 21. No ETA.

Where did you get the update?

wf9a5m75 commented 3 years ago

I update the project progress to the project donors through mailing list. I develop new version usin my private time. This is not my work. That's why very slow.

madmacc commented 3 years ago

@wf9a5m75 Appreciate the time you are spending on this. We are all developers here and know how you can hit roadblocks in development (especially in 2020).

To others if you want updates on the progress then you can donate using the links above. (assuming they still work).

selected-pixel-jameson commented 3 years ago

Can anyone verify if the code has been shared to donors yet?

wf9a5m75 commented 3 years ago

If you are a donor, please check the past mailing list

Binitronics commented 3 years ago

Do we have to donate to get the latest version?

selected-pixel-jameson commented 3 years ago

@Binitronics You have to donate at least $50.00 to get the project status and updates.

selected-pixel-jameson commented 3 years ago

@wf9a5m75 I donated. Here is the transaction number txn: 20611778951900864

EinfachHans commented 3 years ago

Can a donor answer me how far the progess is? I will donate, if it's usable already 🤔

wf9a5m75 commented 3 years ago

@selected-pixel-jameson Thank you for your donation. As you may know, I added to the mailing list.

@EinfachHans "if it's usable already" -> not yet. Little by little.

One good news is the next version supports SVG file.

umitsmobiledev commented 3 years ago

@wf9a5m75 I donated. Here is the Transaction ID: 4036-2689-2056-3379 Can I have the access to the project or get the project status/updates?

tafelnl commented 3 years ago

@wf9a5m75 I am willing to help you with the development for supporting Capacitor. I have some experience with several Capacitor plugins (e.g. barcode scanner).

adnanhz commented 3 years ago

Is there any new progress on this?

selected-pixel-jameson commented 3 years ago

Is there any new progress on this?

There hasn't been any updates for quiet awhile for the people who've donated even.

I would follow this repo instead as it seems to have a lot more activity.


DwieDima commented 3 years ago

@wf9a5m75 i would like to donate as beta tester, but have some questions: I have an ionic application that is heavily using modals. Currently im using google maps javascript. But for better user experience (myLocation etc.) i would like to use native maps.

thank you 😊

selected-pixel-jameson commented 3 years ago

@DwieDima I'm pretty sure you can do most of those things with, but probably not custom map styles.