Open uhmarc opened 2 years ago
Also looking so any solution
SOLUTION: This repo works for me (Android@11, Cordova 11) "cordova-plugin-googlemaps": { "version": "git+ssh://", "dev": true, "from": "cordova-plugin-googlemaps@github:we-are-joinup/cordova-plugin-googlemaps", "requires": { "cordova-common": "^3.1.0" } },
but there is an issue with the custom icons, its showing default google red marker instead, so looking for solution for this
EDIT: custom marker not showing sorted by changing its path to " file:///android_asset/www/img/YOUR_ICON.webp "
Is there any fork that is currently being maintained? It would be disastrous for Cordova apps if we lost access to Google Maps.