mapstruct / mapstruct-spring-extensions

Helpful additions to MapStruct when using the Spring Framework.
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Allow inherited DelegatingConverter to be processed #104

Open petitgros opened 7 months ago

petitgros commented 7 months ago

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I am trying to modify the annotation processor to support custom Converter interface but I don't know how to process DelegatingConverter by inheritance.

New code in ConverterMapperProcessor:

delegatingConverterDescriptors =
            // Do not generate delegate without Mapper annotation on class
            .filter(annotatedMethod -> annotatedMethod.getEnclosingElement().getAnnotationMirrors().stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getAnnotationType().toString().equals(MAPPER)))
            .map(annotatedMethod -> new DelegatingConverterDescriptor(annotatedMethod, processingEnv))

Custom converter:

public interface BaseMapper<S, T> extends Converter<S, T> {

    T convert(@NonNull S source, @Context CycleAvoidingMappingContext context);

    default T convert(@NonNull S source) {
        return convert(source, new CycleAvoidingMappingContext());

    // Annotation is not processed
    default S invertConvert(T source) {
        return invertConvert(source, new CycleAvoidingMappingContext());

    S invertConvert(T source, @Context CycleAvoidingMappingContext context);


@Mapper(config = MapperConfig.class)
public abstract class CarMapper implements BaseMapper<Car, CarDto> {

    // Required annotation to have delegate generated by processor
    public Car invertConvert(CarDto source) {
        return BaseMapper.super.invertConvert(source);


public class  CarDtoToCarConverter implements Converter<CarDto, Car> {
  private  CarMapper delegateMapper;

  public CarDtoToCarConverter(@Autowired final CarMapper delegateMapper) {
    this.delegateMapper = delegateMapper;

  public Car convert(final CarDto source) {
    return delegateMapper.invertConvert(source);

Wanted mapper:

@Mapper(config = MapperConfig.class)
public abstract class CarMapper implements BaseMapper<Car, CarDto> {
    // Nothing to override


Chessray commented 7 months ago

Logically speaking, the second portion (generating the Delegating Converter) would need to happen inside the Processor for the @Mapper annotation. This goes a bit against how we're doing things at the moment. Not sure whether this is feasible.