Vector and raster maps with GL styles. Server side rendering by MapLibre GL Native. Map tile server for MapLibre GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIS via WMTS, etc.
The endpoints for static rendered maps now provide ways to render a path. It would be great if they also supported placing markers on the map.
Google Maps static API provides comprehensive support for markers. Its API design could be used as a good reference for implementation in the TileServer.
For start we could add an ability to put markers of a set style. Style modifications and custom icons could be added later.
I'd happily try to implement this and submit a PR if the core team agree this is a wanted feature.
The endpoints for static rendered maps now provide ways to render a path. It would be great if they also supported placing markers on the map.
Google Maps static API provides comprehensive support for markers. Its API design could be used as a good reference for implementation in the TileServer.
For start we could add an ability to put markers of a set style. Style modifications and custom icons could be added later.
I'd happily try to implement this and submit a PR if the core team agree this is a wanted feature.