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Improved data management #137

Open geobrando opened 8 years ago

geobrando commented 8 years ago

Following up on #92, there should be some discussion about adding some complexity and expanding from a single google sheet to track Maptime data to something that resembles an actual database. The reasons being:

  1. It's too difficult to keep track of chapter data as well as organizer data in a single table
  2. The desire to record and analyze maptime metrics (#62)
  3. Ability to easily identify inactive chapters (#91)
  4. The need for a system that will scale as Maptime continues to grow while manpower resources remain static

    Current data sources

    • The main chapter google sheet (private) that contains some chapter and organizer info, chapter inquires, and formal chapter requests being populated by the web form at
    • chapters.json, which is the primary source for general chapter and organizer data. It's being maintained collectively by the small onboarding team and by organizers comfortable adding their info to it with pull requests. Used to populate the map and chapters list at
    • Post-event surveys submitted by the google form. Not sure if this data is being used in any substantial way and I assume are not filled out on a regular basis by most chapters (including my own :smile: : )
    • Event information from the many chapter pages (or similar sites)
    • Qualitative event data in the form of Slack messages, social media, or blog posts

      Database design

Here's one idea for a database with potential fields. Each could have a unique key with an ID or one could be generated from other fields. Given the general loose structure of Maptime and lack of resources, it will be difficult or perhaps undesirable to track some of these in a database. There could also definitely be others...

  1. Chapter table - City, Region, Country, chapter name, inception date, email, twitter, facebook, meetup, Status (inquiry/good standing/on probation :wink: /defunct), Notes
  2. Organizer table - Name, chapter, email, twitter, active?
  3. Event table - Event date, Event title, event type (instructional/hack or project night/etc), # of attendees, language, female-to-male ratio, sponsor, organizer recap, attendee feedback summary, [other standardized fields that might be part of an event survey]

Another option could be a separate table for chapter inquiries and keeping this out of the chapters table

Database platform ideas
