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Figure out Maptime materials license policy #145

Open almccon opened 8 years ago

almccon commented 8 years ago

Figuring out a recommended license was one thing that HQ punted on when we were working on the bylaws. We decided at the 2015-07-09 board meeting that we would not address the licensing question in the bylaws, and would revisit that question later.

Specifically, we should decide what license(s) is/are acceptable for educational materials (written, video, etc) and code that are produced by chapters and individuals under the "Maptime" name.

In the absence of any direction from HQ, it is up to the chapter (and the individual authors of materials) to choose a license.

Even if we can't settle this question fully, we should at least give some kind of guidance to the chapters. Perhaps just the suggestion/requirement that they use some kind of "open license".