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GeoBadges #93

Open geobrando opened 9 years ago

geobrando commented 9 years ago

It's a thing. Is there a role for Maptime?

almccon commented 9 years ago

Perhaps, but the word "verify" sounds hard to implement with Maptime. Are we just verifying attendance at a maptime meetup?

geobrando commented 9 years ago

Not sure. Believe this is still in development. @geomantic has had some involvment through TeachOSM and there's a talk during SOTM. Throwing it out there as I believe the important players should be in NYC and it's worth investigating. But yeah, a credentialing system may be not be a good fit.

geomantic commented 9 years ago

@geobrando @almccon Yes, there is a role for Maptime. But it's not a Maptime session about GeoBadges. GeoBadges are credentials given to people who demonstrate a certain technical grasp of basic geographic workflow, say basic digitizing skills for a HOT activation. Since many young adults must complete service hours as a condition of graduating, geobadges are a convenient way to build a student resume and gain some applied geography skills by making certified, quality contributions to OpenStreetMap. The interesting question is whether there are a series of Maptime courses that lead to a badge? Maptime could be a great vehicle for a series of staged courses that lead to a badge.

geobrando commented 9 years ago

While Maptime is by nature unstructured and chapters are encouraged to determine their own content, If I recall last year HQ promoted the idea of chapters following along a set "curriculum" (mainly a series of topics). Can't recall exactly what all of the topics were, but this could be the basis for earning a credential. If chapters chose to follow this series, it might also have the benefit of encouraging repeat attendance, which in my opinion is important in community building.

almccon commented 9 years ago

The suggested HQ curriculum is in this blog post:

The purple entries make up a five session curriculum that would repeat every six months or so.

bethschechter commented 9 years ago

I think it's totally a cool idea! The question is: how do we manage it? Or do they manage it? Do you have thoughts on how this would be administered, @geobrando?

//typed with thumbs

geomantic commented 9 years ago

@bethschechter @geobrando How we manage the geobadges is yet to be determined. As part of TeachOSM, we've had conversations w/ the NSF's GeoTech Center about hosting the credentials and alternatively, we're looking at a solution built on Credly. Validation criteria and validation procedures are determined by the sponsoring organization (e.g. Maptime, OSM-US, HOT, MapGive, MissingMaps, etc.) and we're working out the mechanics of this. Jon Marino will be presenting on GeoBadges at SotMUS, and he should have a lot more details.

geobrando commented 9 years ago

Spoke a bit with @jonpmarino at State of the Map-US about geobadges. Attended Liz Lyon's presentation and got a bit more information. Unfortunately, I didn't take notes and for some reason video is not available. Still unclear if a credentialing system is a good fit with maptime as it would entail a set curriculum. I'll keep this issue open and report back as geobadges continues to develop.

geobrando commented 9 years ago

Article about an Open Badges implementation from CoderDojo