maptimeLA / old-la-restaurants

LA Historic Restaurant map
5 stars 2 forks source link

Maptime 8/6/15 Update #5

Closed Miguel-Estrada closed 9 years ago

Miguel-Estrada commented 9 years ago

Nights To Do:

  1. Google spreadsheet age column added. (current year - initial year open)
  2. Used website url's to verify if an restaurant is currently open or closed.
  3. LAPL menus were checked. New menus and old menus were noted for each restaurant.
  4. Number of photos per restaurant website were noted in a column as well.
  5. Torque (time laspe) Map of resturants created by Dan using CartoDB.

What we don't have yet but may need in the future.

  1. Metro exit data so that walking distance to closest restaurants can be found.
  2. Cuisine types of each restaurant.
  3. Links to movies w/videos that show feature the restaurant in it.
  4. If possible year closed.


  1. Geolocate.