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Styling of protected areas #4

Open RicoElectrico opened 8 years ago

RicoElectrico commented 8 years ago

I think current rendering is quite confusing, see:

First, it's not obvious, as green is associated with vegetation, which may not be there. Secondly, whole settlements get filled. Last, as you can see from these two examples, forest and protected area doesn't stack well, in the first area light green is protected area, while in second light green indicates a forest. Maybe just styling their outline would be more appropriate, like in osm-carto. Note there is no label, too. The other problem is due to Mapbox Streets schema, in which for weird reasons national parks are conflated together with city parks, which doesn't make sense at all. Also, the example areas are only landscape parks (differentiated by protect_class), which don't have permanent staff in them (no rangers or guides, though regular maintenance may take place). These areas often have however designated trails, educational/information boards, but allow for a modest level of human activity, so that entire villages may be enclosed by them.

orangemug commented 6 years ago

We could probably use as openmaptiles doesn't have a POI for a slaughterhouse (see

pathmapper commented 6 years ago

@orangemug I think you wanted to post your comment here:

orangemug commented 6 years ago

Indeed I did 😄 . Thanks!

pathmapper commented 6 years ago

Updated links and previews:



kylebarron commented 4 years ago

Those maputnik links don't seem to work anymore, but thanks for providing screenshots.

So the issue of OP is that shading is only for vegetation and there's no protected area shading?

pathmapper commented 4 years ago

Those maputnik links don't seem to work anymore

Thanks, updated the links (rawgit is not available anymore, we are getting the style directly from Github Pages now).

So the issue of OP is that shading is only for vegetation and there's no protected area shading?

My understanding is that his main point is that it's confusing that the fill of protected areas is styled with a lightgreen color which is associated with vegetation and there are protected areas which are covering large areas where there is no vegetation. I think this is a valid point.

Therefore he suggests to style only the outline of protected areas and maybe add a label for them.

Thanks for starting this in #66, let's move the discussion there and have a closer look.