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Move StickyNote to widget palette? #1222

Open JonFerraiolo opened 12 years ago

JonFerraiolo commented 12 years ago

@billreed63, @waynicknair, @peller

Sticky notes are added as the last child of BODY. This works for quick UI sketches, but for more complicated UIs with states and/or mobile views, the author probably will want sticky notes that are only visible when a particular state or view is visible. If sticky notes moved from the toolbar to the widget palette, then we could leverage the same techniques we use for choosing the parents of all absolutely-positioned widgets (or similar techniques).

This is related to a larger issue: how to reconcile the annotation tools in review&commenting with similar tools in the page editor:

At this time, I'm not sure about the best UI approaches for unifying these things.

waynevicknair commented 12 years ago

It's probably best to unify the annotation code to eliminate redundancy and confusion. I'll be analyzing the workflow of R&C with an eye towards unifying the user interaction for notes and drawing as well.

jhpedemonte commented 12 years ago

In another bug, @childsb had suggested renaming the Widgets view to Palette, and allowing it to contain widgets, shapes, sticky note and whatever else can be dragged on to the page.

JonFerraiolo commented 12 years ago

When we do the next big UI makeover on the whole app, then, yes, maybe we'll conclude that we should renamed Widgets to Palette, but let's not change it until then because we might change our mind again and we don't want to be flipflopping too much.

JonFerraiolo commented 12 years ago

Pushing to M6

JonFerraiolo commented 12 years ago

-> @billreed63

Note that sticky notes added from toolbar get added as last child of BODY, whereas sticky notes added from Widgets palette become the child of the parent widget upon which the sticky note was dropped. (often parent widget is BODY, but if you are doing a mobile UI, the parent widget usually will be a view)

How hard would it be to change the behavior of StickyNote icon on the toolbar to have it work like the Paste icon on the toolbar, where the cursor changes to a crosshair and the StickyNote is added only when the user clicks? This would force the user to put the StickyNote inside of a container.

I'm thinking mostly of mobile scenarios where almost every application consists of a series of full-screen views, and in almost all cases, authors will want sticky notes to only appear with particular views.

JonFerraiolo commented 12 years ago

Current UI proposals for M7 leaves sticky note on toolbar

billreed63 commented 12 years ago

@JonFerraiolo @jhpedemonte

-> M8