maqetta / maqetta

Maqetta Designer
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TitlePane localhost URL only works on canvas #3977

Closed pramsey-home closed 10 years ago

pramsey-home commented 10 years ago

Trying to use the URL property of a Dojo TitlePane to insert content from a locally stored file (same folder).

url="test.html" works in the canvas - but not browser preview or downloaded project. "! Sorry, an error occurred."

Neither relative nor absolute paths are successful.

Bizarrely, uploading test.html to a public Dropbox folder, creating a public link via their context menu, and pasting that url into the TitlePane url property, does work.

I'm in Chrome 29.0.1547.62 m, on Windows 7, non-war version of maqetta.

billreed63 commented 10 years ago

Development on maqetta has been suspend, so the best avenue to get questions like this answered is the users group where other users may have encountered the same issue.