maqin2001 / qubic-r-package

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All function names #2

Open maqin2001 opened 6 years ago

maqin2001 commented 6 years ago

The function names are listed here: (update 04-10-2018)

1.1scqubiclust -- input scRNA expression data, do discritization + biclustering + dense graph, output dense graph. 1.2dicretization --input expression data, do discretization, output discretized matrix 1.3scqubiclust_d -- input discretization matrix, do biclustering, output biclusters

  1. scgraph -- input bicluster, do dense graph, output graph matrix (symmetric)
  2. scmgraph -- input multiple biclusters, do dense graph for each and add them up, output single graph matrix (symmetric)
  3. sc_cell -- input dense graph, do MCL, output cell type classification (A table).
  4. sc_gene -- input bicluster + cell subtype, do gene assignment and merging, output subtype-gene frequency matrix
  5. scMF -- input subtype-gene frequency matrix + Bobro, do gene searching + motif finding and merging + regulon prediction, output motif-cell-gene list + regulon-cell-gene list