mar0x / midi_router

USB to MIDI adapter with routing features
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Build instructions should be provided for newcomers #2

Open iflyhigh opened 1 year ago

iflyhigh commented 1 year ago

Those not familiar with building this code should be provided at least with brief manual. Following worked for me on windows 7:

  1. Cygwin with GNU make 4.3 and other GNU *utils
  2. GNU AVR toolchain binary 3.7.0 from - unizip contents to ~/avr in Cygwin
  3. avrdude 6.4-mingw32 from - unzip contents into ~avr/bin
  4. export PATH=$PATH:~/avr/bin, add this to .bash_profile if needed
  5. git clone
  6. cd midi_router/firmware; make clean; make all
  7. avrdude -P usb -p atxmega128a1u -c flip2 -v -U application:w:midi-router-x7-rack/atxmega128a1u/midi-router-x7-rack-atxmega128a1u.hex

Please note that EEPROM will also be erased. Current version only saves HW version in EEPROM so one needs to recover it by opening serial connection to device and issuing H "arg1" command, where arg1 is a HW version (10 bytes, YYYY.MM.DD contents).

Better manual is needed :)

mar0x commented 1 year ago


I'm not using Windows (R) for development and not recommend it even for MIDI Router firmware upgrade.

Writing instructions how to clone git repository and type make command is out of the scope of my interests.

Enthusiasts who are going to work with firmware, should have enough experience and skills to read the Makefile and grab the required information just like you did.

BTW there is a 'midi-router-x7-rack-upload-flip2' target to upload modified firmware.

So, I don't think there is any issue with documentation. However I admit, the README file is good to have :)