maralla / completor.vim

Async completion framework made ease.
MIT License
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Status bar flashes "^X mode (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y" and completion popup doesn't show in JavaScript files #188

Closed scwood closed 6 years ago

scwood commented 6 years ago


call plug#begin()
Plug 'maralla/completor.vim'
call plug#end()

I've tried reinstalling vim. Any ideas?

Shougo commented 6 years ago

You can disable the status bar flash by set shortmess+=c.

scwood commented 6 years ago

That disabled the status bar flash... but the completion still isn't triggering. Nothing is happening. Plugin is up to date

maralla commented 6 years ago

Have you ran make js under the completor.vim root?

Shougo commented 6 years ago

I think node binary is needed.

scwood commented 6 years ago

Ahh, that's it... thanks for the quick replies. Been a while since I set this up on a new machine.