maralla / completor.vim

Async completion framework made ease.
MIT License
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Scratch window preview of selected item #217

Open bwmarrin opened 5 years ago

bwmarrin commented 5 years ago

I'm trying out completor for the first time and maybe I'm missing what I'm looking for - but with my previous plugin (VimCompletesMe) when I selected an item from the completion list it would display the func definition in a scratch window at the top of the page.

That feature is super helpful because I can't always remember the full func definition.

So far, I've just installed completor and completion is working, it shows the func definition when the completion menu pops up but when I select a func that window goes away and no scratch window opens.

Is there a way to configure completor to push the func definition into a scratch window for me?

dNitro commented 5 years ago

Add to your ~/.vimrc:

let g:completor_auto_close_doc = 0

See: g:completor_auto_close_doc

bwmarrin commented 5 years ago

If I read that right, that controls rather the preview window is closed after the autocomplete finishes. In my case, the preview window never even opens to begin with. However I will give this a try and report back.