maralla / completor.vim

Async completion framework made ease.
MIT License
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abbreviations are not expanded if completor menu is visible #233

Closed habamax closed 5 years ago

habamax commented 5 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

vimrc settings

let g:completor_auto_trigger = 1

inorea waht what


  1. open vim
  2. enter waht<space> -- it will be replaced by what (completor menu is hidden)
  3. enter <CR><CR>
  4. enter wahat
  5. enter <CR><CR>
  6. enter waht<space> -- it will NOT be replaced by what (completor menu is visible)


habamax commented 5 years ago

Well, I think this is not a completor issue.

The same thing happens with the regular completion menu.

habamax commented 5 years ago

Although there is with the similar problem where "it was fixed in a newer vim".

I use the latest 8.1-535

habamax commented 5 years ago

The reason for that issue is delimitMate plugin. If I remove it, then abbreviations are expanded.