maralla / completor.vim

Async completion framework made ease.
MIT License
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completor#do('complete') returns 0 #236

Closed habamax closed 5 years ago

habamax commented 5 years ago

Looks like after the latest update of the plugin I can no longer call completor#do('complete') to call completion. Now it returns 0 as a text.

How can I manually call completor completion now? (I use it with tab together with ultisnips and it worked for me well)


habamax commented 5 years ago

And just in case, setup that worked for me (tab to trigger snippet or jump to next placeholder or open completion menu or complete next):

" UltiSnips and Completor {{{
if has('python') || has('python3')
    let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = '<tab>'
    let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger = '<tab>'

    packadd ultisnips

    " Completor and ultisnips to reuse TAB key
    fun! Tab_Or_Complete() "{{{
        call UltiSnips#ExpandSnippet()
        if g:ulti_expand_res == 0
            if pumvisible()
                return "\<C-n>"
                call UltiSnips#JumpForwards()
                if g:ulti_jump_forwards_res == 0
                    " If completor is not open and we are in the middle of typing a word then
                    " `tab` opens completor menu.
                    let inp_str = strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-3, 2 )
                    if col('.')>1 && (inp_str =~ '^\w$' || inp_str =~ '\%(->\)\|\%(.\w\)\|\%(\w\.\)\|\%(./\)')
                        return "\<C-R>=completor#do('complete')\<CR>"
                        return "\<TAB>"
        return ""
    endf "}}}

    au InsertEnter * exec "inoremap <silent> " . g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger . " <C-R>=Tab_Or_Complete()<cr>"

    " should be together if auto trigger is off
    let g:completor_complete_options = "menuone,preview"
    let g:completor_min_chars = 1
    let g:completor_auto_trigger = 0

    packadd completor.vim

habamax commented 5 years ago

Looks like you have changed it to use timers...

I am not sure if the following is a proper way to fix my issue but:

function! completor#do(action) range
  if exists('s:timer') && !empty(timer_info(s:timer))
    call timer_stop(s:timer)
  let meta = {'range': [a:firstline, a:lastline]}
  let status = completor#action#current_status()
  let s:timer = timer_start(g:completor_completion_delay, {t->s:do_action('complete', meta, status)})
  return ''

I have just added return '' to the function.


By the way, now your new version of the function do not propagate action parameter to s:do_action function as it was in previous versions. If this is intended behavior, param from completor#do(action) could be removed, probably?

maralla commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting! This is a bug. And the commit f5bddd6f0c488b95e3ea4052140338a4e3a923c2 fixed it.

habamax commented 5 years ago

Thx! Looks like it is fixed for me!