maralla / completor.vim

Async completion framework made ease.
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Omni-completion results from vimtex for references #41

Open kiryph opened 7 years ago

kiryph commented 7 years ago

I'd like to have omni-completion for references in a latex document. Vimtex provides results via an omnifunc ( I have added following pattern to my vimrc based on

let g:completor_tex_omni_trigger =
        \   '\\(?:'
        \  .   '\w*cite\w*(?:\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*{[^}]*'
        \  .  '|\w*ref(?:\s*\{[^}]*|range\s*\{[^,}]*(?:}{)?)'
        \  .  '|hyperref\s*\[[^]]*'
        \  .  '|includegraphics\*?(?:\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*\{[^}]*'
        \  .  '|(?:include(?:only)?|input)\s*\{[^}]*'
        \  .')'

First of all, this works.


% This is the sample bib file
    Author = {Ferdinand de Saussure},
    Origyear = {1916},
    Publisher = {Payot},
    Title = {Cours de Linguistique G{\'e}n{\'e}rale},
    Year = {1995}}


This is a complete citation in the middle of the text: 



You have to compile this file once to generate the file demo.bib so that omni-completion can work (relies on the file specified in \bibliography{demo.bib}.

The issue: After entering \cite{ the waiting time for the reference is a little bit too long. I suspect this is due to a slow vimtex-omnifunc. But I would have hoped, that there would be a caching to speed things up. However, things do not change when I want to enter a second citation. Does completor caches omni-completion results for the next invocation?

BTW, I do not like that you fix cot=menuone setting. I would prefer it if you would leave this to the user.

hanqing0521 commented 6 years ago

now, you can set

let g:completor_tex_omni_trigger = g:vimtex#re#deoplete
kiryph commented 6 years ago

@hanqing0521 Thanks for pointing out that vimtex provides a python regex for this.

However, this does not change the issue that completor does no caching and the omnifunc is still slow.