marat-gainullin / platypus-js

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Exist Event AfterRenderModelGrid #75

Closed Level0r0s closed 8 years ago

Level0r0s commented 8 years ago


      if (!model.qryPODepartamento.length===0){
         modelGridFocus.value.focus();  // this event ocurred before render modelGrid
      function(){'Error ao efetuar  requery!');

no found event after render modelGrid .

Tanks link to function: modelGridFocus.value.focus() solved with the function

marat-gainullin commented 8 years ago

modelGrid.onAfterRender event doesn't exist.

But there is modelGrid.onRender event. It is called while cells rendering. So if you apply Invoke.later(function(){}) scheme with 'first callback call wins' logic, than you can achieve needed effect.

See module invoke in the API. It works under browser as well and also it avoids memory leak of setTimeout() without clearTimeout() idiom.

marat-gainullin commented 8 years ago

In general it is not needed to keep track of grid's rendering. Grid rendering occurs while various operations on data or grid itself. Can you please describe the goal of your logic within your task? With such description we will be able to think of new onAfterRender event.

Also you can make a pull request to add this new event to ModelGrid.

Level0r0s commented 8 years ago

Send focus to the modelGrid after query, AGIL application, no need use the mouse to select Row. example: Event KeyPress in modelGrid
if modelGrid.KeyPress = 27 (ESC) { imputSearch.Focus()} ; Event modelGrid.onAfterRender

if (!model.qryPODepartamento.length===0){
         modelGridFocus.value.focus();  // this event ocurred before render modelGrid

link to function: modelGridFocus.value.focus() solved with the function

Level0r0s commented 8 years ago

Create Class to Resolve

function TmodelGridFocus()
            this.modelGrid = {};
            this.modelGridOld = {};
            this.firstFocu = {};
            this.processFocus = false;


               if (this.modelGridOld ===modelGrid) {

               if (this.modelGridOld ) {
                   if (this.onRenderOld) {
                     this.modelGridOld.onRender = this.onRenderOld();
               this.modelGrid =modelGrid;

               if (this.modelGrid.onRender) { 
                 this.onRenderOld =this.modelGrid.onRender;
               this.modelGridOld =modelGrid;

               //modelGridFocus.firtsTabStop(modelGridFocus.modelGrid.element,true, modelGridFocus) ;   

               this.modelGrid.onRender = function(evt){
                    if (modelGridFocus.onRenderOld) { onRenderOld();}
                    if (modelGridFocus.processFocus){
                       modelGridFocus.processFocus =false;  
                         if (!{
                               modelGridFocus.firtsTabStop(modelGridFocus.modelGrid.element,true, modelGridFocus) ;   


            this.firtsTabStop = function (el,inicio, o) {
               if (el.tabIndex >-1) {
                  o.firstFocu = el;
                  return true;
               else {
                     // Check if this element is a tab stop
                  if (!inicio) {
                     // Check if children are tab stops
                     for (var i = 0, l = el.children.length; i < l; i++) {
                        if (this.firtsTabStop(el.children[i],false,o)) {
                            return true;
                  else {
                     // Check if children are tab stops
                     for (var i = 0, l = el.children.length; i < l; i++) {
                       if (el.children[i].tagName==='TABLE'){
                         if (this.firtsTabStop(el.children[i],false,o)) {
                            return true;

            this.checkSetFocus=function (){
               if (!{
                   this.processFocus=true ;


Example use:

var modelGridFocus = new TmodelGridFocus();
       modelGridFocus.changeModelGrid( form.modelGrid); //use to set modelGrid to controller
                      modelGridFocus.checkSetFocus();  //use to check records >0
marat-gainullin commented 8 years ago

Added an event onAfterRender. It is experimental and is available in nightly build (on branch master). form.modelGrid.onAfterRender = function (evt) {'grid rendered'); };