Hey @marawanxmamdouh ,
It is important for our community to have a clear and concise code of conduct to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all contributors. A Code of Conduct sets the expectation for behavior and outlines the steps for reporting and addressing unacceptable behavior. This can greatly enhance the community experience and maintain a respectful and collaborative atmosphere.
I want to add Code_of_conduct.md, please assign me this issue.
Hey @marawanxmamdouh , It is important for our community to have a clear and concise code of conduct to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all contributors. A Code of Conduct sets the expectation for behavior and outlines the steps for reporting and addressing unacceptable behavior. This can greatly enhance the community experience and maintain a respectful and collaborative atmosphere. I want to add Code_of_conduct.md, please assign me this issue.