marbl / ModDotPlot

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Some feedbacks #1

Closed oushujun closed 1 year ago

oushujun commented 1 year ago

Hi Alex,

Great tool! Congratulations!! While using it, I found several places that could benefit from more clarification and slight modifications.

  1. The relationship between -w and -d is not very clear.
  2. In the bed file, query_name and reference_name are all replaced by the -p value. Can it be the original sequence names?
  3. Line 34 of is hard coded to perID*100 >= 80; can you make it customizable to allow reporting lower identity regions?
  4. The script can only run on one sequence? Can it take the entire genome?
  5. The plot.r script requires a folder named results in the working directory; otherwise, it will run into errors.
  6. The plot.r script requires ggplot2, dplyr, scales, RColorBrewer, data.table, cowplot, glue, argparse packages installed in R.

Thanks! Shujun

alexsweeten commented 1 year ago

Hi Shujun. Thanks for the feedback, and I'm so sorry for the (super) late reply!

The relationship between -w and -d is not very clear.

I agree. I have renamed -w to -r, referring to the resolution of the dotplot. Essentially this represents how many chunks to divide the sequence up into for comparison.

In the bed file, query_name and reference_name are all replaced by the -p value. Can it be the original sequence names?

Fixed in afc0344e3669b50df30f48560dbbccc689012236

Line 34 of is hard coded to perID*100 >= 80; can you make it customizable to allow reporting lower identity regions?

Fixed in afc0344e3669b50df30f48560dbbccc689012236. This is now adjustable via the -id command.

The script can only run on one sequence? Can it take the entire genome?

I have refactored parse_fasta to utilize pysam. This will generate a bed file for each header sequence in the input fasta.

The plot.r script requires a folder named results in the working directory; otherwise, it will run into errors.

I plan to substitute the Rscript with an alternative in Python. This will reduce the number of dependencies required, and also unify with the interactive component of Mod.Plot!

Thanks again! I hope all is well in Columbus :)

oushujun commented 1 year ago

Thank you, Alex! All is well here :)