marbl / ModDotPlot

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a vs b dotplot error #10

Closed lauterbur closed 6 months ago

lauterbur commented 8 months ago


When I try to run an a vs b plot using --compare, it produces this error TypeError: paired_bed_file_a_vs_b() takes 15 positional arguments but 16 were given

It looks like there's a disconnect between the definition of the function in and how it's called in (line 305)?

alexsweeten commented 8 months ago

Hi Elise,

I made some pretty big updates to the ModDotPlot codebase recently. Please pull the latest version and give it a try again. Comparative plots should be working now

Note that interactive mode is now the default way to run ModDotPlot. To produce static images, please run with moddotplot --static

Thanks, Alex