marbl / VALET

A pipeline for detecting mis-assemblies in metagenomic assemblies.
MIT License
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Metagenome assembly? #6

Open adityabandla opened 7 years ago

adityabandla commented 7 years ago


Can VALET be used to evaluate metagenome assemblies i.e. just a contigs file (without binning)?

Regards, Aditya

nate-d-olson commented 7 years ago

VALET evaluates metagenome assemblies using the sequencing reads and therefore requires a fastq file along with the contigs file. If you don't have access to the sequencing data you might want to consider using metaQUAST, a reference based metagenome assembly evaluation tool. However, metaQUAST uses the sequencing data to screen for false positive assembly errors due to biological variability.