Closed ogrecio closed 5 years ago
I tried with different option parameters, assigning less memory (although thats shouldn't be a problem because I can allocate up to 120Gb per job). It stopped at the same point. Then I tried to restart it and got this error message:
canu -p ONTassembly -d $WDR -fast -minReadLength=1500 -stopOnLowCoverage=0.010 -redMemory=64 -oeaMemory=64 -batMemory=64 -merylMemory=64 -mhapMemory=64 -maxMemory=64 -mhapThreads=20 -maxThreads=20 -genomeSize=100m -gridEngineArrayMaxJobs=20 gridOptions="--time=8:00:00 --partition=shared --qos=shared --mem=80GB" -nanopore-raw METALGEN_cleaned_withshorter.fastq
-- Canu 1.8
-- Koren S, Walenz BP, Berlin K, Miller JR, Phillippy AM.
-- Canu: scalable and accurate long-read assembly via adaptive k-mer weighting and repeat separation.
-- Genome Res. 2017 May;27(5):722-736.
-- Koren S, Rhie A, Walenz BP, Dilthey AT, Bickhart DM, Kingan SB, Hiendleder S, Williams JL, Smith TPL, Phillippy AM.
-- De novo assembly of haplotype-resolved genomes with trio binning.
-- Nat Biotechnol. 2018
-- https//
-- Read and contig alignments during correction, consensus and GFA building use:
-- Šošic M, Šikic M.
-- Edlib: a C/C ++ library for fast, exact sequence alignment using edit distance.
-- Bioinformatics. 2017 May 1;33(9):1394-1395.
-- Overlaps are generated using:
-- Berlin K, et al.
-- Assembling large genomes with single-molecule sequencing and locality-sensitive hashing.
-- Nat Biotechnol. 2015 Jun;33(6):623-30.
-- Corrected read consensus sequences are generated using an algorithm derived from FALCON-sense:
-- Chin CS, et al.
-- Phased diploid genome assembly with single-molecule real-time sequencing.
-- Nat Methods. 2016 Dec;13(12):1050-1054.
-- Contig consensus sequences are generated using an algorithm derived from pbdagcon:
-- Chin CS, et al.
-- Nonhybrid, finished microbial genome assemblies from long-read SMRT sequencing data.
-- Nat Methods. 2013 Jun;10(6):563-9
-- Detected Java(TM) Runtime Environment '1.8.0_181' (from '/opt/cesga/easybuild-cesga/software/Core/jdk/8u181/bin/java') with -d64 support.
-- WARNING: Failed to run gnuplot using command 'gnuplot'.
-- WARNING: Plots will be disabled.
-- Detected 24 CPUs and 126 gigabytes of memory.
-- Limited to 64 gigabytes from maxMemory option.
-- Limited to 20 CPUs from maxThreads option.
-- Detected Slurm with 'sinfo' binary in /bin/sinfo.
-- Detected Slurm with 'MaxArraySize' limited to 10000 jobs.
-- Found 322 hosts with 24 cores and 120 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 7 hosts with 24 cores and 60 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 10 hosts with 4 cores and 30 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 52 hosts with 20 cores and 60 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 8 hosts with 20 cores and 120 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 1 host with 128 cores and 3906 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- (tag)Threads
-- (tag)Memory |
-- (tag) | | algorithm
-- ------- ------ -------- -----------------------------
-- Grid: meryl 64 GB 8 CPUs (k-mer counting)
-- Grid: hap 12 GB 8 CPUs (read-to-haplotype assignment)
-- Grid: cormhap 64 GB 20 CPUs (overlap detection with mhap)
-- Grid: obtmhap 64 GB 20 CPUs (overlap detection with mhap)
-- Grid: utgmhap 64 GB 20 CPUs (overlap detection with mhap)
-- Grid: ovb 4 GB 1 CPU (overlap store bucketizer)
-- Grid: ovs 8 GB 1 CPU (overlap store sorting)
-- Grid: red 64 GB 6 CPUs (read error detection)
-- Grid: oea 64 GB 1 CPU (overlap error adjustment)
-- Grid: bat 64 GB 8 CPUs (contig construction with bogart)
-- Grid: gfa 8 GB 8 CPUs (GFA alignment and processing)
-- In 'ONTassembly.seqStore', found Nanopore reads:
-- Raw: 8172601
-- Corrected: 0
-- Trimmed: 0
-- Generating assembly 'ONTassembly' in '/mnt/lustre/scratch/home/otras/ini/ogr/Metagenomics/HybridAssembly'
-- Parameters:
-- genomeSize 100000000
-- Overlap Generation Limits:
-- corOvlErrorRate 0.3200 ( 32.00%)
-- obtOvlErrorRate 0.1200 ( 12.00%)
-- utgOvlErrorRate 0.1200 ( 12.00%)
-- Overlap Processing Limits:
-- corErrorRate 0.5000 ( 50.00%)
-- obtErrorRate 0.1200 ( 12.00%)
-- utgErrorRate 0.1200 ( 12.00%)
-- cnsErrorRate 0.2000 ( 20.00%)
-- Starting command on Tue Mar 5 14:14:41 2019 with 231123.73 GB free disk space
cd /mnt/lustre/scratch/home/otras/ini/ogr/Metagenomics/HybridAssembly
sbatch \
--mem-per-cpu=4g \
--cpus-per-task=1 \
--time=8:00:00 \
--partition=shared \
--qos=shared \
--mem=80GB \
-D `pwd` \
-J 'canu_ONTassembly' \
-o canu-scripts/canu.07.out canu-scripts/
sbatch: error: Batch script is empty!
-- Finished on Tue Mar 5 14:14:41 2019 (furiously fast) with 231123.73 GB free disk space
ERROR: Failed with exit code 1. (rc=256)
CRASH: Canu 1.8
CRASH: Please panic, this is abnormal.
CRASH: Failed to submit script.
CRASH: Failed at /mnt/netapp1/Optcesga_FT2_RHEL7/easybuild-cesga/software/Compiler/gcc/6.4.0/canu/1.8/bin/../lib/site_perl/canu/ line 780.
CRASH: canu::Execution::submitScript("ONTassembly", undef) called at /opt/cesga/easybuild-cesga/software/Compiler/gcc/6.4.0/canu/1.8/bin/canu line 771
CRASH: No log file supplied.
All these errors seem to be coming from your grid behaving strangely. In the first case, Canu got back a job name rather than a job id, which indicates an abnormal message got printed after submission. The grid then didn't like this job name as a hold identifier. In the second case, it seems like a file is empty. It was already up to and then went back to which shouldn't happen.
What's the contents of canu-scipts? What's the contents of correction/1-overlapper/results.
The reason for vs may be that in teh second case is a completely new submision with different parameters, that I tried. The file canu08 was created after attempting restarting the job in the first case (I am guessing).
Here is the content of the folders obtained from the new submission from scratch with new options (at
ls canu-scripts/
canu.01.out canu.02.out canu.03.out canu.04.out canu.05.out canu.06.out
ls correction/1-overlapper/results/
000001.oc 000010.oc 000019.oc 000028.oc 000037.oc 000046.oc 000055.oc 000064.oc 000073.oc 000082.oc 000091.oc 000100.oc 000109.oc
000001.ovb 000010.ovb 000019.ovb 000028.ovb 000037.ovb 000046.ovb 000055.ovb 000064.ovb 000073.ovb 000082.ovb 000091.ovb 000100.ovb 000109.ovb
000002.oc 000011.oc 000020.oc 000029.oc 000038.oc 000047.oc 000056.oc 000065.oc 000074.oc 000083.oc 000092.oc 000101.oc 000110.oc
000002.ovb 000011.ovb 000020.ovb 000029.ovb 000038.ovb 000047.ovb 000056.ovb 000065.ovb 000074.ovb 000083.ovb 000092.ovb 000101.ovb 000110.ovb
000003.oc 000012.oc 000021.oc 000030.oc 000039.oc 000048.oc 000057.oc 000066.oc 000075.oc 000084.oc 000093.oc 000102.oc 000111.oc
000003.ovb 000012.ovb 000021.ovb 000030.ovb 000039.ovb 000048.ovb 000057.ovb 000066.ovb 000075.ovb 000084.ovb 000093.ovb 000102.ovb 000111.ovb
000004.oc 000013.oc 000022.oc 000031.oc 000040.oc 000049.oc 000058.oc 000067.oc 000076.oc 000085.oc 000094.oc 000103.oc 000112.oc
000004.ovb 000013.ovb 000022.ovb 000031.ovb 000040.ovb 000049.ovb 000058.ovb 000067.ovb 000076.ovb 000085.ovb 000094.ovb 000103.ovb 000112.ovb
000005.oc 000014.oc 000023.oc 000032.oc 000041.oc 000050.oc 000059.oc 000068.oc 000077.oc 000086.oc 000095.oc 000104.oc 000113.oc
000005.ovb 000014.ovb 000023.ovb 000032.ovb 000041.ovb 000050.ovb 000059.ovb 000068.ovb 000077.ovb 000086.ovb 000095.ovb 000104.ovb 000113.ovb
000006.oc 000015.oc 000024.oc 000033.oc 000042.oc 000051.oc 000060.oc 000069.oc 000078.oc 000087.oc 000096.oc 000105.oc 000114.oc
000006.ovb 000015.ovb 000024.ovb 000033.ovb 000042.ovb 000051.ovb 000060.ovb 000069.ovb 000078.ovb 000087.ovb 000096.ovb 000105.ovb 000114.ovb
000007.oc 000016.oc 000025.oc 000034.oc 000043.oc 000052.oc 000061.oc 000070.oc 000079.oc 000088.oc 000097.oc 000106.oc 000115.oc
000007.ovb 000016.ovb 000025.ovb 000034.ovb 000043.ovb 000052.ovb 000061.ovb 000070.ovb 000079.ovb 000088.ovb 000097.ovb 000106.ovb 000115.ovb
000008.oc 000017.oc 000026.oc 000035.oc 000044.oc 000053.oc 000062.oc 000071.oc 000080.oc 000089.oc 000098.oc 000107.oc 000116.oc
000008.ovb 000017.ovb 000026.ovb 000035.ovb 000044.ovb 000053.ovb 000062.ovb 000071.ovb 000080.ovb 000089.ovb 000098.ovb 000107.ovb 000116.ovb
000009.oc 000018.oc 000027.oc 000036.oc 000045.oc 000054.oc 000063.oc 000072.oc 000081.oc 000090.oc 000099.oc 000108.oc 000117.oc
000009.ovb 000018.ovb 000027.ovb 000036.ovb 000045.ovb 000054.ovb 000063.ovb 000072.ovb 000081.ovb 000090.ovb 000099.ovb 000108.ovb 000117.ovb
Ah, OK new run explains it. Did you remove the old run already? Are you out of quota/disk space? I don't see any other way Canu would generate an empty file. You can resume the run by removing the empty shell script and re-running Canu which will re-generate it.
I removed the empty shell script, and re run canu. Now the ovB jobs are running. I will inform of new issues on this topic or if the assembling finished succesfully. Thank you for now.
Hi again, I got the following error
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 232322 tigs, with 8 threads.
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
ABORT: placeContains()-- placing 435640 contained and 7570629 unplaced reads, with 8 threads.
ABORT: placeContains()-- Placed 240571 contained reads and 2088 unplaced reads.
ABORT: placeContains()-- Failed to place 195069 contained reads (too high error suspected) and 7568541 unplaced reads (lack of overlaps suspected).
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Optimizing read positions for 8172602 reads in 232322 tigs, with 8 threads.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Allocating scratch space for 8172602 reads (510787 KB).
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Initializing positions with 8 threads.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 1, with 8 threads.
ABORT: Failed to optimize read 1101569 in tig 12895
ABORT: bogart: bogart/AS_BAT_OptimizePositions.C:279: void Unitig::optimize_recompute(uint32, optPos*, optPos*, bool): Assertion `cnt > 0' failed.
ABORT: Failed with 'Aborted'; backtrace (libbacktrace):
ABORT: utility/system-stackTrace.C::89 in _Z17AS_UTL_catchCrashiP9siginfo_tPv()
ABORT: (null)::0 in (null)()
ABORT: (null)::0 in (null)()
ABORT: (null)::0 in (null)()
ABORT: (null)::0 in (null)()
ABORT: (null)::0 in (null)()
ABORT: bogart/AS_BAT_OptimizePositions.C::279 in _ZN6Unitig18optimize_recomputeEjP6optPosS1_b()
ABORT: bogart/AS_BAT_OptimizePositions.C::483 in _ZN9TigVector17optimizePositionsEPKcS1_._omp_fn.1()
ABORT: ../../../libgomp/team.c::119 in gomp_thread_start()
ABORT: (null)::0 in (null)()
ABORT: (null)::0 in (null)()
ABORT: (null)::0 in (null)()
Full .err file at: unitigger.err.txt
Any help please?
This looks the same as issue #1252, same request as there. Are you able to share the data?
Hi Sergey, thank you for your comment. I solve the isssue by increasing the -minOverlapLength parameter from 500 to 1000.
In case it helps: I finalize the assemble the metagenome with the same nanopore samples, but filtering by length>3000 and -minOverlapLength=500.
Then I included nanopore reads>1500 bp and QS>12. Then it failed as per previous message.
Then I re run it with -minOverlapLength=1000, and finalized ok.
That's consistent with what I found in #1252. There's some discussion there about what went wrong, and links to patches that get around the problem but don't really fix it.
Hi there, my canu process is stopping after cormhap. I restart the job, but the same error appeared.
Can't figure out what the problem is. Any help, please?
canu -p ONTassembly -d $WDR -fast -minReadLength=1500 -stopOnLowCoverage=0.010 -redMemory=100 -oeaMemory=100 -batMemory=100 -merylMemory=100 -mhapMemory=100 -ovbMemory=100 -ovsMemory=100 -maxMemory=100 -mhapThreads=10 -maxThreads=20 -genomeSize=100m -gridEngineArrayMaxJobs=20 gridOptions="--time=8:00:00 --partition=shared --qos=shared --mem=100GB" -nanopore-raw METALGEN_cleaned_withshorter.fastq
This is the canu.out file: