Closed biowackysci closed 5 years ago
Hello Again, i amended the script again and it picked up where it left and now I have a bogart failure issue The script i used this time was canu -trim-assemble -p canu_trim_assemble -d /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/Saila_CANU_trim_assemble/ genomeSize=2.8g useGrid=true stopOnReadQuality=false minOverlapLength=1000 -pacbio-corrected /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/SAILA_CANU_Corrrection/canu_correction.correctedReads.fasta.gz gridEngine=slurm merylMemory=62 batMemory=62 gridOptions="--account=dbiopast1 --partition=batch --time=1000:00:00 "
-- Detected Java(TM) Runtime Environment '1.8.0_172' (from '/usr/local/EasyBuild/software/Java/1.8.0_172/bin/java') with -d64 support.
-- WARNING: Failed to run gnuplot using command 'gnuplot'.
-- WARNING: Plots will be disabled.
-- Detected 48 CPUs and 754 gigabytes of memory.
-- Detected Slurm with 'MaxArraySize' limited to 10000 jobs.
-- Found 7 hosts with 24 cores and 755 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 3 hosts with 24 cores and 377 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 5 hosts with 24 cores and 503 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 95 hosts with 48 cores and 754 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 10 hosts with 48 cores and 1510 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 5 hosts with 48 cores and 1003 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- (tag)Threads
-- (tag)Memory |
-- (tag) | | algorithm
-- ------- ------ -------- -----------------------------
-- Grid: meryl 62 GB 8 CPUs (k-mer counting)
-- Grid: hap 16 GB 24 CPUs (read-to-haplotype assignment)
-- Grid: cormhap 48 GB 12 CPUs (overlap detection with mhap)
-- Grid: obtovl 24 GB 12 CPUs (overlap detection)
-- Grid: utgovl 24 GB 12 CPUs (overlap detection)
-- Grid: ovb 4 GB 1 CPU (overlap store bucketizer)
-- Grid: ovs 32 GB 1 CPU (overlap store sorting)
-- Grid: red 16 GB 8 CPUs (read error detection)
-- Grid: oea 8 GB 1 CPU (overlap error adjustment)
-- Grid: bat 62 GB 32 CPUs (contig construction with bogart)
-- Grid: gfa 32 GB 32 CPUs (GFA alignment and processing)
-- In 'canu_trim_assemble.seqStore', found PacBio reads:
-- Raw: 0
-- Corrected: 13803068
-- Trimmed: 9739173
-- Generating assembly 'canu_trim_assemble' in '/group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/Saila_CANU_trim_assemble'
-- Parameters:
-- genomeSize 2800000000
-- Overlap Generation Limits:
-- corOvlErrorRate 0.2400 ( 24.00%)
-- obtOvlErrorRate 0.0450 ( 4.50%)
-- utgOvlErrorRate 0.0450 ( 4.50%)
-- Overlap Processing Limits:
-- corErrorRate 0.3000 ( 30.00%)
-- obtErrorRate 0.0450 ( 4.50%)
-- utgErrorRate 0.0450 ( 4.50%)
-- cnsErrorRate 0.0750 ( 7.50%)
The error was BEGIN ASSEMBLY
-- Bogart failed, tried 2 times, giving up.
ABORT: Canu 1.8
ABORT: Don't panic, but a mostly harmless error occurred and Canu stopped.
ABORT: Try restarting. If that doesn't work, ask for help.
ABORT: Disk space available: 35530.132 GB
ABORT: Last 50 lines of the relevant log file (unitigging/4-unitigger/unitigger.err):
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2165260102 (032.40%) 2079080776 (031.11%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2185721572 (032.70%) 2098240857 (031.39%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2205905798 (033.01%) 2117137881 (031.68%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2225881983 (033.30%) 2135831669 (031.96%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2244853532 (033.59%) 2153572335 (032.22%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2265904987 (033.90%) 2173304614 (032.52%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2324469802 (034.78%) 2230685776 (033.38%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2396026387 (035.85%) 2301157672 (034.43%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2475021202 (037.03%) 2379077910 (035.60%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2572173381 (038.49%) 2475161910 (037.03%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2684698758 (040.17%) 2586454284 (038.70%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2737328845 (040.96%) 2637827172 (039.47%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2779608333 (041.59%) 2678756403 (040.08%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2821561958 (042.22%) 2719396548 (040.69%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2865081240 (042.87%) 2761587670 (041.32%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2908366195 (043.52%) 2803548285 (041.95%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2953501448 (044.19%) 2847414555 (042.60%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 2996871410 (044.84%) 2889519848 (043.23%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3032050748 (045.37%) 2923318309 (043.74%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3057499017 (045.75%) 2947318439 (044.10%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3082718850 (046.12%) 2971092730 (044.45%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3105061836 (046.46%) 2992089457 (044.77%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3127141820 (046.79%) 3012854830 (045.08%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3149250847 (047.12%) 3033604855 (045.39%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3170798144 (047.44%) 3053839195 (045.69%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3191931768 (047.76%) 3073690448 (045.99%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3213022778 (048.07%) 3093493128 (046.29%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3234506507 (048.40%) 3113664811 (046.59%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3254569577 (048.70%) 3132433487 (046.87%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3273906776 (048.99%) 3150504805 (047.14%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3291594605 (049.25%) 3166981300 (047.39%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3307747328 (049.49%) 3181987648 (047.61%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3328013181 (049.79%) 3200960433 (047.89%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3372713708 (050.46%) 3244327362 (048.54%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3420491344 (051.18%) 3290808203 (049.24%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3469828347 (051.92%) 3338850997 (049.96%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3519564661 (052.66%) 3387337946 (050.68%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3570452964 (053.42%) 3436962086 (051.42%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3621774081 (054.19%) 3487045455 (052.17%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3669014351 (054.90%) 3532967958 (052.86%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3715838209 (055.60%) 3578503947 (053.54%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3761002076 (056.27%) 3622393446 (054.20%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3807159271 (056.96%) 3667280880 (054.87%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3854061317 (057.67%) 3712941365 (055.55%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3902129680 (058.38%) 3759774907 (056.25%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 3952548467 (059.14%) 3808979692 (056.99%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 4002647862 (059.89%) 3857833230 (057.72%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 4047710415 (060.56%) 3901632612 (058.38%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 4128242465 (061.77%) 3979613064 (059.54%)
ABORT: OverlapCache()-- 4218577318 (063.12%) 4067068031 (060.85%)
So now I am not sure what to do . Can you please help me ? Thanks Saila
And sorry the output log file of unitigging/4-unitigger/unitigger.err is here:
Memory 512 GB
Compute Threads 32 (command line)
Minimum read 0 bases
Minimum overlap 1000 bases
Overlap Error Rates:
Graph 0.045 (4.500%)
Max 0.045 (4.500%)
Graph 6.000
Bubble 6.000
Repeat 3.000
Edge Confusion:
Absolute 2100
Percent 200.0000
Unitig Construction:
Minimum intersection 500 bases
Maxiumum placements 2 positions
Debugging Enabled:
ReadInfo()-- Using 13803068 reads, no minimum read length used.
OverlapCache()-- limited to 524288MB memory (user supplied).
OverlapCache()-- 105MB for read data.
OverlapCache()-- 526MB for best edges.
OverlapCache()-- 1369MB for tigs.
OverlapCache()-- 368MB for tigs - read layouts.
OverlapCache()-- 526MB for tigs - error profiles.
OverlapCache()-- 131072MB for tigs - error profile overlaps.
OverlapCache()-- 0MB for other processes.
OverlapCache()-- ---------
OverlapCache()-- 134231MB for data structures (sum of above).
OverlapCache()-- ---------
OverlapCache()-- 263MB for overlap store structure.
OverlapCache()-- 389793MB for overlap data.
OverlapCache()-- ---------
OverlapCache()-- 524288MB allowed.
OverlapCache()-- Retain at least 24 overlaps/read, based on 12.05x coverage.
OverlapCache()-- Initial guess at 1850 overlaps/read.
OverlapCache()-- Adjusting for sparse overlaps.
OverlapCache()-- reads loading olaps olaps memory
OverlapCache()-- olaps/read all some loaded free
OverlapCache()-- ---------- ------- ------- ----------- ------- --------
OverlapCache()-- 1850 12711747 1091321 3774202435 56.47% 332203 MB
OverlapCache()-- 21799 13796625 6443 2320537679 98.98% 288848 MB
OverlapCache()-- 2959871 13803068 0 2388505170 100.00% 287811 MB
OverlapCache()-- Loading overlaps.
OverlapCache()-- read from store saved in cache
OverlapCache()-- ------------ --------- ------------ ---------
OverlapCache()-- 57214176 (000.86%) 55903912 (000.84%)
OverlapCache()-- 114180478 (001.71%) 111552324 (001.67%)
OverlapCache()-- 172347459 (002.58%) 168403366 (002.52%)
OverlapCache()-- 230549419 (003.45%) 225291191 (003.37%)
OverlapCache()-- 289577564 (004.33%) 282963374 (004.23%)
OverlapCache()-- 348458321 (005.21%) 340517621 (005.09%)
OverlapCache()-- 406835332 (006.09%) 397537667 (005.95%)
OverlapCache()-- 466669944 (006.98%) 456013491 (006.82%)
OverlapCache()-- 525707627 (007.87%) 513631226 (007.69%)
OverlapCache()-- 584447454 (008.74%) 570970844 (008.54%)
OverlapCache()-- 643279007 (009.62%) 628457316 (009.40%)
OverlapCache()-- 702078346 (010.50%) 685897159 (010.26%)
OverlapCache()-- 761017729 (011.39%) 743474891 (011.12%)
OverlapCache()-- 819455498 (012.26%) 800619110 (011.98%)
OverlapCache()-- 878511489 (013.14%) 858350772 (012.84%)
OverlapCache()-- 937684615 (014.03%) 916251685 (013.71%)
OverlapCache()-- 996863322 (014.92%) 974174420 (014.58%)
OverlapCache()-- 1055844724 (015.80%) 1031868800 (015.44%)
OverlapCache()-- 1113200621 (016.66%) 1087859185 (016.28%)
OverlapCache()-- 1157326305 (017.32%) 1130246808 (016.91%)
OverlapCache()-- 1200659146 (017.96%) 1171741911 (017.53%)
OverlapCache()-- 1250942256 (018.72%) 1219991698 (018.25%)
OverlapCache()-- 1300685886 (019.46%) 1267724360 (018.97%)
OverlapCache()-- 1349629095 (020.19%) 1314668930 (019.67%)
OverlapCache()-- 1384557262 (020.72%) 1347991441 (020.17%)
OverlapCache()-- 1412951901 (021.14%) 1374841852 (020.57%)
OverlapCache()-- 1433887142 (021.45%) 1394451667 (020.86%)
OverlapCache()-- 1454862486 (021.77%) 1414095635 (021.16%)
OverlapCache()-- 1475764832 (022.08%) 1433691123 (021.45%)
OverlapCache()-- 1496208081 (022.39%) 1452813468 (021.74%)
OverlapCache()-- 1516781727 (022.69%) 1472095433 (022.03%)
OverlapCache()-- 1536708118 (022.99%) 1490745096 (022.30%)
OverlapCache()-- 1556106990 (023.28%) 1508879960 (022.58%)
OverlapCache()-- 1576395435 (023.59%) 1527873678 (022.86%)
OverlapCache()-- 1595720693 (023.88%) 1545955234 (023.13%)
OverlapCache()-- 1617196446 (024.20%) 1566093597 (023.43%)
OverlapCache()-- 1638473956 (024.52%) 1586027100 (023.73%)
OverlapCache()-- 1660280564 (024.84%) 1606481060 (024.04%)
OverlapCache()-- 1681391821 (025.16%) 1626246456 (024.33%)
OverlapCache()-- 1702479641 (025.47%) 1646005900 (024.63%)
OverlapCache()-- 1723064248 (025.78%) 1665291928 (024.92%)
OverlapCache()-- 1741818694 (026.06%) 1682800312 (025.18%)
OverlapCache()-- 1763170287 (026.38%) 1702803911 (025.48%)
OverlapCache()-- 1784311328 (026.70%) 1722637835 (025.77%)
OverlapCache()-- 1805029364 (027.01%) 1742051450 (026.07%)
OverlapCache()-- 1824939469 (027.31%) 1760679494 (026.34%)
OverlapCache()-- 1846064783 (027.62%) 1780480170 (026.64%)
OverlapCache()-- 1864943381 (027.90%) 1798123456 (026.90%)
OverlapCache()-- 1884278597 (028.19%) 1816222304 (027.17%)
OverlapCache()-- 1906416792 (028.52%) 1837005232 (027.49%)
OverlapCache()-- 1928113347 (028.85%) 1857351499 (027.79%)
OverlapCache()-- 1948705114 (029.16%) 1876624752 (028.08%)
OverlapCache()-- 1967393605 (029.44%) 1894069917 (028.34%)
OverlapCache()-- 1986662411 (029.73%) 1912081099 (028.61%)
OverlapCache()-- 2006338642 (030.02%) 1930480472 (028.88%)
OverlapCache()-- 2026010262 (030.31%) 1948862711 (029.16%)
OverlapCache()-- 2045564967 (030.61%) 1967135869 (029.43%)
OverlapCache()-- 2064714870 (030.89%) 1985022441 (029.70%)
OverlapCache()-- 2083948928 (031.18%) 2002999731 (029.97%)
OverlapCache()-- 2102541872 (031.46%) 2020345708 (030.23%)
OverlapCache()-- 2122949039 (031.76%) 2039441029 (030.51%)
OverlapCache()-- 2144475754 (032.09%) 2059607013 (030.82%)
OverlapCache()-- 2165260102 (032.40%) 2079080776 (031.11%)
OverlapCache()-- 2185721572 (032.70%) 2098240857 (031.39%)
OverlapCache()-- 2205905798 (033.01%) 2117137881 (031.68%)
OverlapCache()-- 2225881983 (033.30%) 2135831669 (031.96%)
OverlapCache()-- 2244853532 (033.59%) 2153572335 (032.22%)
OverlapCache()-- 2265904987 (033.90%) 2173304614 (032.52%)
OverlapCache()-- 2324469802 (034.78%) 2230685776 (033.38%)
OverlapCache()-- 2396026387 (035.85%) 2301157672 (034.43%)
OverlapCache()-- 2475021202 (037.03%) 2379077910 (035.60%)
OverlapCache()-- 2572173381 (038.49%) 2475161910 (037.03%)
OverlapCache()-- 2684698758 (040.17%) 2586454284 (038.70%)
OverlapCache()-- 2737328845 (040.96%) 2637827172 (039.47%)
OverlapCache()-- 2779608333 (041.59%) 2678756403 (040.08%)
OverlapCache()-- 2821561958 (042.22%) 2719396548 (040.69%)
OverlapCache()-- 2865081240 (042.87%) 2761587670 (041.32%)
OverlapCache()-- 2908366195 (043.52%) 2803548285 (041.95%)
OverlapCache()-- 2953501448 (044.19%) 2847414555 (042.60%)
OverlapCache()-- 2996871410 (044.84%) 2889519848 (043.23%)
OverlapCache()-- 3032050748 (045.37%) 2923318309 (043.74%)
OverlapCache()-- 3057499017 (045.75%) 2947318439 (044.10%)
OverlapCache()-- 3082718850 (046.12%) 2971092730 (044.45%)
OverlapCache()-- 3105061836 (046.46%) 2992089457 (044.77%)
OverlapCache()-- 3127141820 (046.79%) 3012854830 (045.08%)
OverlapCache()-- 3149250847 (047.12%) 3033604855 (045.39%)
OverlapCache()-- 3170798144 (047.44%) 3053839195 (045.69%)
OverlapCache()-- 3191931768 (047.76%) 3073690448 (045.99%)
OverlapCache()-- 3213022778 (048.07%) 3093493128 (046.29%)
OverlapCache()-- 3234506507 (048.40%) 3113664811 (046.59%)
OverlapCache()-- 3254569577 (048.70%) 3132433487 (046.87%)
OverlapCache()-- 3273906776 (048.99%) 3150504805 (047.14%)
OverlapCache()-- 3291594605 (049.25%) 3166981300 (047.39%)
OverlapCache()-- 3307747328 (049.49%) 3181987648 (047.61%)
OverlapCache()-- 3328013181 (049.79%) 3200960433 (047.89%)
OverlapCache()-- 3372713708 (050.46%) 3244327362 (048.54%)
OverlapCache()-- 3420491344 (051.18%) 3290808203 (049.24%)
OverlapCache()-- 3469828347 (051.92%) 3338850997 (049.96%)
OverlapCache()-- 3519564661 (052.66%) 3387337946 (050.68%)
OverlapCache()-- 3570452964 (053.42%) 3436962086 (051.42%)
OverlapCache()-- 3621774081 (054.19%) 3487045455 (052.17%)
OverlapCache()-- 3669014351 (054.90%) 3532967958 (052.86%)
OverlapCache()-- 3715838209 (055.60%) 3578503947 (053.54%)
OverlapCache()-- 3761002076 (056.27%) 3622393446 (054.20%)
OverlapCache()-- 3807159271 (056.96%) 3667280880 (054.87%)
OverlapCache()-- 3854061317 (057.67%) 3712941365 (055.55%)
OverlapCache()-- 3902129680 (058.38%) 3759774907 (056.25%)
OverlapCache()-- 3952548467 (059.14%) 3808979692 (056.99%)
OverlapCache()-- 4002647862 (059.89%) 3857833230 (057.72%)
OverlapCache()-- 4047710415 (060.56%) 3901632612 (058.38%)
OverlapCache()-- 4128242465 (061.77%) 3979613064 (059.54%)
OverlapCache()-- 4218577318 (063.12%) 4067068031 (060.85%)
I'm guessing it was killed for exceeding the memory request of the bogart job. Increase the memory request in 4-unitigger/, to either -mem-per-cpu 4
or -mem 128
and rerun that script to resubmit the bogart job. Bogart itself will still use (about) 62 GB memory, but you've told slurm to reserve 32 4 gb = 128 gb memory.
I'd be interested in seeing how much memory this is actually using (or tried to use), if you can figure out how to query Slurm to get it.
Thanks for the reply. I have now restarted the job with the following script canu -trim-assemble -p canu_trim_assemble -d /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/Saila_CANU_trim_assemble/ genomeSize=2.8g useGrid=true stopOnReadQuality=false minOverlapLength=1000 -pacbio-corrected /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/SAILA_CANU_Corrrection/canu_correction.correctedReads.fasta.gz gridEngine=slurm gridOptions="--account=dbiopast1 --partition=batch --time=1000:00:00 --mem-per-cpu=4g"
Will let you know how it goes
Thanks S
Hello again, this time it ran for a while when i tried with the script above and crashed with the following report
-- Detected Java(TM) Runtime Environment '1.8.0_172' (from '/usr/local/EasyBuild/software/Java/1.8.0_172/bin/java') with -d64 support.
-- WARNING: Failed to run gnuplot using command 'gnuplot'.
-- WARNING: Plots will be disabled.
-- Detected 48 CPUs and 754 gigabytes of memory.
-- Detected Slurm with 'MaxArraySize' limited to 10000 jobs.
-- Found 7 hosts with 24 cores and 755 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 3 hosts with 24 cores and 377 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 5 hosts with 24 cores and 503 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 95 hosts with 48 cores and 754 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 10 hosts with 48 cores and 1510 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- Found 5 hosts with 48 cores and 1003 GB memory under Slurm control.
-- (tag)Threads
-- (tag)Memory |
-- (tag) | | algorithm
-- ------- ------ -------- -----------------------------
-- Grid: meryl 64 GB 8 CPUs (k-mer counting)
-- Grid: hap 16 GB 24 CPUs (read-to-haplotype assignment)
-- Grid: cormhap 48 GB 12 CPUs (overlap detection with mhap)
-- Grid: obtovl 24 GB 12 CPUs (overlap detection)
-- Grid: utgovl 24 GB 12 CPUs (overlap detection)
-- Grid: ovb 4 GB 1 CPU (overlap store bucketizer)
-- Grid: ovs 32 GB 1 CPU (overlap store sorting)
-- Grid: red 16 GB 8 CPUs (read error detection)
-- Grid: oea 8 GB 1 CPU (overlap error adjustment)
-- Grid: bat 512 GB 32 CPUs (contig construction with bogart)
-- Grid: gfa 32 GB 32 CPUs (GFA alignment and processing)
-- In 'canu_trim_assemble.seqStore', found PacBio reads:
-- Raw: 0
-- Corrected: 13803068
-- Trimmed: 9739173
-- Generating assembly 'canu_trim_assemble' in '/group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/Saila_CANU_trim_assemble'
-- Parameters:
-- genomeSize 2800000000
-- Overlap Generation Limits:
-- corOvlErrorRate 0.2400 ( 24.00%)
-- obtOvlErrorRate 0.0450 ( 4.50%)
-- utgOvlErrorRate 0.0450 ( 4.50%)
-- Overlap Processing Limits:
-- corErrorRate 0.3000 ( 30.00%)
-- obtErrorRate 0.0450 ( 4.50%)
-- utgErrorRate 0.0450 ( 4.50%)
-- cnsErrorRate 0.0750 ( 7.50%)
-- Bogart failed, tried 2 times, giving up.
ABORT: Canu 1.8
ABORT: Don't panic, but a mostly harmless error occurred and Canu stopped.
ABORT: Try restarting. If that doesn't work, ask for help.
ABORT: Disk space available: 35317.062 GB
ABORT: Last 50 lines of the relevant log file (unitigging/4-unitigger/unitigger.err):
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- changed: 7648787 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 2, with 32 threads.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- converged: 7641819 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- changed: 6161250 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 3, with 32 threads.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- converged: 8409919 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- changed: 5393150 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 4, with 32 threads.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- converged: 8690166 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- changed: 5112903 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 5, with 32 threads.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- converged: 8875890 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- changed: 4927179 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Expanding short reads with 32 threads.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Updating positions.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Finished.
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1066682 tigs, with 32 threads.
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
ABORT: findPotentialOrphans()-- working on 1066682 tigs.
ABORT: mergeOrphans()-- Found 46470 potential orphans.
ABORT: mergeOrphans()-- placed 7 unique orphan tigs
ABORT: mergeOrphans()-- shattered 0 repeat orphan tigs
ABORT: mergeOrphans()--
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 32816 tigs 88621535 bases -- singleton
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- too few reads (< 2 reads)
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- too short (< 0 bp)
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- single spanning read (> 1.000000 tig length)
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 49446 tigs 172959937 bases -- low coverage (> 0.500000 tig length at < 3 coverage)
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 105391 tigs 903820499 bases -- acceptable contigs
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1066682 tigs, with 32 threads.
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- allocating vectors for placements, 631.854MB
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- finding edges for 5216416 reads (4833637 contained), ignoring 8586652 unplaced reads, with 32 threads.
Can you please have a look?
Thanks S
Looks like the same error, please don't change more than one thing at a time in your command.
Originally you had been running with -account=dbiopast1 --partition=batch --time=1000:00:00 --mem-per-cpu=100g
for all your jobs which means a 32-core BAT job would have tried to request 100*32
= 3.2tb of ram, which is why you got the error about no such machine being available. @brianwalenz explained the second error, you removed the option for --mem-per-cpu=100g
so it seems bogart tried to use more than 62gb. The last run you did you removed batMemory but added --mem-per-cpu=4g
. This limited bogart to 8*32
= 128GB but since you didn't specify batMemory it wanted to use 512 and would have requested 512 had you not overwritten it with your --mem-per-cpu=4g
option. In effect, rather than doing what @brianwalenz suggested and giving bogart more memory, you gave it a quarter the memory it was requesting. In general, it's a bad idea to request memory in the gridOptions command, that will request this memory limit for all jobs you have no matter what canu would actually configure itself to use. You'll end up over-requesting memory for many jobs and under-requesting for others. There are step-specific gridOptions, run canu -options |grep -i gridOptions
So, remove the unitigging/4-unitigger
folder completely and re-run with the command:
canu -trim-assemble -p canu_trim_assemble -d /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/Saila_CANU_trim_assemble/ genomeSize=2.8g useGrid=true stopOnReadQuality=false minOverlapLength=1000 -pacbio-corrected /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/SAILA_CANU_Corrrection/canu_correction.correctedReads.fasta.gz gridEngine=slurm batMemory=62 gridOptions="--account=dbiopast1 --partition=batch --time=1000:00:00" gridOptionsbat="--mem-per-cpu=4g".
Thanks heaps. Have done what you suggested. Will keep you posted on how the run goes
Thanks S
so after I ran the script canu -trim-assemble -p canu_trim_assemble -d /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/Saila_CANU_trim_assemble/ genomeSize=2.8g useGrid=true stopOnReadQuality=false minOverlapLength=1000 -pacbio-corrected /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/SAILA_CANU_Corrrection/canu_correction.correctedReads.fasta.gz gridEngine=slurm batMemory=62 gridOptions="--account=dbiopast1 --partition=batch --time=1000:00:00" gridOptionsbat="--mem-per-cpu=4g
I got this and the unitigging failed here
Found perl:
This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
Found java:
java version "1.8.0_172"
Found canu:
Canu 1.8
Running job 1 based on SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=1 and offset=0.
/var/spool/slurm/d/job576651/slurm_script: line 99: 153270 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $bin/bogart -S ../../canu_trim_assemble.seqStore -O ../canu_trim_assemble.ovlStore -o ./canu_trim_assemble -gs 2800000000 -eg 0.045 -eM 0.045 -mo 1000 -dg 6 -db 6 -dr 3 -ca 2100 -cp 200 -threads 32 -M 62 -unassembled 2 0 1.0 0.5 3 > ./unitigger.err 2>&1
bogart appears to have failed. No canu_trim_assemble.ctgStore or canu_trim_assemble.utgStore found.
What's in unitigging/4-unitigger/unitigger.err
? Mostly just interested in the last 50 or so lines.
The last few lines are these
computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
placeContains()-- placing 8267072 contained and 5158149 unplaced reads, with 32 threads.
placeContains()-- Placed 4696175 contained reads and 5247 unplaced reads.
placeContains()-- Failed to place 3570897 contained reads (too high error suspected) and 5152902 unplaced reads (lack of overlaps suspected).
optimizePositions()-- Optimizing read positions for 13803069 reads in 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Allocating scratch space for 13803069 reads (862691 KB).
optimizePositions()-- Initializing positions with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 1, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 6331271 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 7471798 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 2, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 7824466 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 5978603 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 3, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 8622705 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 5180364 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 4, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 8847527 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4955542 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 5, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 8995959 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4807110 reads
optimizePositions()-- Expanding short reads with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Updating positions.
optimizePositions()-- Finished.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
findPotentialOrphans()-- working on 1068493 tigs.
mergeOrphans()-- Found 46794 potential orphans.
mergeOrphans()-- placed 7 unique orphan tigs
mergeOrphans()-- shattered 0 repeat orphan tigs
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 32694 tigs 88283798 bases -- singleton
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- too few reads (< 2 reads)
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- too short (< 0 bp)
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- single spanning read (> 1.000000 tig length)
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 49683 tigs 173984829 bases -- low coverage (> 0.500000 tig length at < 3 coverage)
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 105641 tigs 903536368 bases -- acceptable contigs
computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
AssemblyGraph()-- allocating vectors for placements, 631.854MB
AssemblyGraph()-- finding edges for 5079269 reads (4696175 contained), ignoring 8723799 unplaced reads, with 32 threads.
AssemblyGraph()-- building reverse edges.
AssemblyGraph()-- build complete.
AssemblyGraph()-- generating './canu_trim_assemble.initial.assembly.gfa'.
AssemblyGraph()-- Found 0 edges to unassembled contigs.
AssemblyGraph()-- 0 bubble placements
AssemblyGraph()-- 0 repeat placements
AssemblyGraph()-- Intratig edges: 0 contained 0 5' 0 3' (in both contig and unitig)
AssemblyGraph()-- Contig only edges: 2528791 contained 2745072 5' 2749902 3'
AssemblyGraph()-- Unitig only edges: 0 contained 0 5' 0 3'
AssemblyGraph()-- Intercontig edges: 106680339 contained 47964090 5' 49492615 3' (in neither contig nor unitig)
computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
Failed with '
Hello, Since the error just stopped with "Failed with ' , I am going again remove the unitigging/4-unitigger folder and re run the script to see if it makes any progress Thanks S
Hello Again, This is what in the canu-scripts/canu.29.out file
-- Bogart failed, tried 2 times, giving up.
ABORT: Canu 1.8
ABORT: Don't panic, but a mostly harmless error occurred and Canu stopped.
ABORT: Try restarting. If that doesn't work, ask for help.
ABORT: Disk space available: 30701.574 GB
ABORT: Last 50 lines of the relevant log file (unitigging/4-unitigger/unitigger.err):
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- converged: 8995959 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- changed: 4807110 reads
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Expanding short reads with 32 threads.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Updating positions.
ABORT: optimizePositions()-- Finished.
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
ABORT: findPotentialOrphans()-- working on 1068493 tigs.
ABORT: mergeOrphans()-- Found 46794 potential orphans.
ABORT: mergeOrphans()-- placed 7 unique orphan tigs
ABORT: mergeOrphans()-- shattered 0 repeat orphan tigs
ABORT: mergeOrphans()--
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 32694 tigs 88283798 bases -- singleton
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- too few reads (< 2 reads)
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- too short (< 0 bp)
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- single spanning read (> 1.000000 tig length)
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 49683 tigs 173984829 bases -- low coverage (> 0.500000 tig length at < 3 coverage)
ABORT: classifyAsUnassembled()-- 105641 tigs 903536368 bases -- acceptable contigs
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- allocating vectors for placements, 631.854MB
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- finding edges for 5079269 reads (4696175 contained), ignoring 8723799 unplaced reads, with 32 threads.
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- building reverse edges.
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- build complete.
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- generating './canu_trim_assemble.initial.assembly.gfa'.
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- Found 0 edges to unassembled contigs.
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- 0 bubble placements
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- 0 repeat placements
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- Intratig edges: 0 contained 0 5' 0 3' (in both contig and unitig)
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- Contig only edges: 2528791 contained 2745072 5' 2749902 3'
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- Unitig only edges: 0 contained 0 5' 0 3'
ABORT: AssemblyGraph()-- Intercontig edges: 106680339 contained 47964090 5' 49492615 3' (in neither contig nor unitig)
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
ABORT: computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
ABORT: Failed with 'ABORT:
And the last 50 lines of the 4-unitigging/unitigger.err file
breakSingletonTigs()-- Removed 880467 singleton tigs; reads are now unplaced.
optimizePositions()-- Optimizing read positions for 13803069 reads in 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Allocating scratch space for 13803069 reads (862691 KB).
optimizePositions()-- Initializing positions with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 1, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 9599156 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4203913 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 2, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 9658139 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4144930 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 3, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 9678411 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4124658 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 4, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 9683694 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4119375 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 5, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 9685199 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4117870 reads
optimizePositions()-- Expanding short reads with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Updating positions.
optimizePositions()-- Finished.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
placeContains()-- placing 8267072 contained and 5158149 unplaced reads, with 32 threads.
placeContains()-- Placed 4696175 contained reads and 5247 unplaced reads.
placeContains()-- Failed to place 3570897 contained reads (too high error suspected) and 5152902 unplaced reads (lack of overlaps suspected).
optimizePositions()-- Optimizing read positions for 13803069 reads in 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Allocating scratch space for 13803069 reads (862691 KB).
optimizePositions()-- Initializing positions with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 1, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 6331271 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 7471798 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 2, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 7824466 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 5978603 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 3, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 8622705 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 5180364 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 4, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 8847527 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4955542 reads
optimizePositions()-- Recomputing positions, iteration 5, with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Reset zero.
optimizePositions()-- Checking convergence.
optimizePositions()-- converged: 8995959 reads
optimizePositions()-- changed: 4807110 reads
optimizePositions()-- Expanding short reads with 32 threads.
optimizePositions()-- Updating positions.
optimizePositions()-- Finished.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
findPotentialOrphans()-- working on 1068493 tigs.
mergeOrphans()-- Found 46794 potential orphans.
mergeOrphans()-- placed 7 unique orphan tigs
mergeOrphans()-- shattered 0 repeat orphan tigs
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 32694 tigs 88283798 bases -- singleton
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- too few reads (< 2 reads)
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- too short (< 0 bp)
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 0 tigs 0 bases -- single spanning read (> 1.000000 tig length)
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 49683 tigs 173984829 bases -- low coverage (> 0.500000 tig length at < 3 coverage)
classifyAsUnassembled()-- 105641 tigs 903536368 bases -- acceptable contigs
computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
AssemblyGraph()-- allocating vectors for placements, 631.854MB
AssemblyGraph()-- finding edges for 5079269 reads (4696175 contained), ignoring 8723799 unplaced reads, with 32 threads.
AssemblyGraph()-- building reverse edges.
AssemblyGraph()-- build complete.
AssemblyGraph()-- generating './canu_trim_assemble.initial.assembly.gfa'.
AssemblyGraph()-- Found 0 edges to unassembled contigs.
AssemblyGraph()-- 0 bubble placements
AssemblyGraph()-- 0 repeat placements
AssemblyGraph()-- Intratig edges: 0 contained 0 5' 0 3' (in both contig and unitig)
AssemblyGraph()-- Contig only edges: 2528791 contained 2745072 5' 2749902 3'
AssemblyGraph()-- Unitig only edges: 0 contained 0 5' 0 3'
AssemblyGraph()-- Intercontig edges: 106680339 contained 47964090 5' 49492615 3' (in neither contig nor unitig)
computeErrorProfiles()-- Computing error profiles for 1068493 tigs, with 32 threads.
computeErrorProfiles()-- Finished.
Failed with '
Again it only says Failed with ' and no specific error
Can you please help me with this ?
Thanks S
Given none of your runs are reporting an error, I'd guess your grid is not letting the final output be flushed properly to disk so you're losing the actual error. Can you get info on the failed unitigger job, there should be the job id in unitigging/4-unitigger/unitigger.jobSubmit*.out
, query your grid for job resources requested and resources used before it quit.
Reserve a full node on your cluster for an interactive session (e.g. one of your 95 hosts with 754 of ram). Run sh 1
by hand in the unitigging/4-unitigger/
folder, DO NOT re-launch Canu and see if you can get an error report this way.
Thanks Sergey, this is what i got when i ran sh 1
Found perl: /usr/bin/perl This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
Found java: /usr/local/EasyBuild/software/Java/1.8.0_172/bin/java java version "1.8.0_172"
Found canu: /usr/local/EasyBuild/software/canu/1.8-intel-2018a/bin/canu /usr/local/EasyBuild/software/canu/1.8-intel-2018a/bin/sqStoreCreate: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Running job 1 based on command line options. bogart appears to have failed. No canu_trim_assemble.ctgStore or canu_trim_assemble.utgStore found.
Also, this is the file found in unitigger.jobsubmit.out Found perl: /usr/bin/perl This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
Found java: /usr/local/EasyBuild/software/Java/1.8.0_172/bin/java java version "1.8.0_172"
Found canu: /usr/local/EasyBuild/software/canu/1.8-intel-2018a/bin/canu Canu 1.8
Running job 1 based on SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=1 and offset=0. /var/spool/slurm/d/job589812/slurm_script: line 99: 202059 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $bin/bogart -S ../../canu_trim_assemble.seqStore -O ../canu_trim_assemble.ovlStore -o ./canu_trim_assemble -gs 2800000000 -eg 0.045 -eM 0.045 -mo 1000 -dg 6 -db 6 -dr 3 -ca 2100 -cp 200 -threads 32 -M 62 -unassembled 2 0 1.0 0.5 3 > ./unitigger.err 2>&1 bogart appears to have failed. No canu_trim_assemble.ctgStore or canu_trim_assemble.utgStore found.
I am thinking it says it cannot identify the ctg.Store or the utgStore
Thanks S
No, this command is what creates the ctg and utg stores so the error is saying they weren't created because the bogart command failed. Hopefully the unitigger.err has more information in the log this time than before, does it look any different (does it show the actual error message)?
Hello again, i ran sh 1 and this is what i got
$ sh 1
Found perl: /usr/bin/perl This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
Found java: /usr/local/EasyBuild/software/Java/1.8.0_172/bin/java java version "1.8.0_172"
Found canu: /usr/local/EasyBuild/software/canu/1.8-intel-2018a/bin/canu /usr/local/EasyBuild/software/canu/1.8-intel-2018a/bin/sqStoreCreate: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Running job 1 based on command line options. bogart appears to have failed. No canu_trim_assemble.ctgStore or canu_trim_assemble.utgStore found.
And this is the error found in unitigger.err
/usr/local/EasyBuild/software/canu/1.8-intel-2018a/bin/bogart: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Hope this is helps
Thanks S
You've switched to a machine with a different configuration, either OS or CPU than where Canu was built. Make sure the way you're reserving the node matches the way Canu canu requests nodes in terms of flags but reserve a full node rather than part of it. Also make sure all the modules loaded during the Canu run are loaded in your interactive session.
Idle, and cluster seems to be a mix of nodes with different processors/os versions causing some issues. There have been several fixes to bogart since this so latest code might fix as well.
Hello, I am trying to use my CANU corrected reads to do a trimming and assembly the command I used was canu -trim-assemble -p canu_trim_assemble -d /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/Saila_CANU_trim_assemble/ genomeSize=2.8g useGrid=true stopOnReadQuality=false minOverlapLength=1000 -pacbio-corrected /group/pasture/Saila/CANU1.8/SAILA_CANU_Corrrection/canu_correction.correctedReads.fasta.gz gridEngine=slurm merylMemory=62 batMemory=62 gridOptions="--account=dbiopast1 --partition=batch --time=1000:00:00 --mem-per-cpu=100g"
The error from the report is
Can you please help formulating the script for submission as I think its some space allocation issue and I am running this job on a grid
Thanks Saila