marbl / canu

A single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small.
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After trimming, only 17.22x coverage remained while I started with 112x genome coverage #1739

Closed amit4mchiba closed 4 years ago

amit4mchiba commented 4 years ago

Remove this text before submitting your issue!

The Canu command I used was as follows- /mnt/md0/canu-2.0/Linux-amd64/bin/canu -p GI_5thJune2020 -d ./GI_5thJune2020 \ genomeSize=410m \ -pacbio-raw ./pacbio_raw/*.fastq.gz \ useGrid=0 \ corMhapSensitivity=high \ corMinCoverage=0 \ corOutCoverage=200 \ correctedErrorRate=0.085 \ corMaxEvidenceErate=0.15 \ gridOptionsJobName=GI \ maxMemory=196g

And I used Canu2.0 for this run. I have run this command on my Ubuntu server, which has 36 cores and 72 cpus, 512Gb ram, and I run this command on local machine.

I am attaching here run report and progress with this issue. Canu_Run_05062020.txt

The objective is to achieve a high quality plant genome, a species that I am working on is hetrozygous and its relatives have shown to have over 55% of repeat content. For this project, I acquired PacBio Sequel 1 based 112x genome coverage (genome size 410Mb). I followed Canu2.0 mannual, and I decided to first correct as many reads as possible, so that, I can try different correctedErrorRate options and other options mentioned in the manual to fine tune parameters for my plant. As recommended by Canu2.0 manual, I used correctedErrorRate=0.085 (for Sequel 1), and corMaxEvidenceErate=0.15 as the manual says that for plant, it may always be a good idea to keep this option to remove many repeative reads and it will fast the whole process. Other then that, I opted for corMhapSensitivity=high, and corMinCoverage=0 as I wanted to get as much or almost entire reads being corrected.

Running this command, starting with 112x genome coverage, resulted in about 77x corrected reads (which according to manual is fine, although I was expecting more as I used corMinCoverage), but after trimming, only 17.22 coverage left for assembly. Ofcourse, expectations are to get at around 40x best reads. Looking at the overlap store statistics-

-- Finished on Sun Jun 14 05:44:26 2020 (392 seconds) with 13451.371 GB free disk space
-- Overlap store 'unitigging/GI_5thJune2020.ovlStore' contains:
--   category            reads     %          read length        feature size or coverage  analysis
--   ----------------  -------  -------  ----------------------  ------------------------  --------------------
--   middle-missing       4019    0.40    12994.43 +- 6123.71        922.72 +- 965.47     (bad trimming)
--   middle-hump          1017    0.10     5462.93 +- 4019.73        852.33 +- 1055.77    (bad trimming)
--   no-5-prime           7293    0.73     8802.11 +- 5478.26        429.17 +- 678.28     (bad trimming)
--   no-3-prime           7210    0.72     8639.42 +- 5598.11        424.67 +- 674.43     (bad trimming)
--   low-coverage        46606    4.67     2590.18 +- 1871.66          3.52 +- 1.14       (easy to assemble, potential for lower quality consensus)
--   unique             325003   32.57     5837.63 +- 4617.15         14.77 +- 5.02       (easy to assemble, perfect, yay)
--   repeat-cont        330626   33.14     7077.14 +- 6199.07       1609.34 +- 1138.99    (potential for consensus errors, no impact on assembly)
--   repeat-dove           999    0.10    28030.70 +- 11450.05       924.18 +- 902.96     (hard to assemble, likely won't assemble correctly or even at all)
--   span-repeat        102369   10.26    10334.86 +- 6248.43       3513.61 +- 3798.86    (read spans a large repeat, usually easy to assemble)
--   uniq-repeat-cont   136889   13.72     6839.72 +- 4463.90                             (should be uniquely placed, low potential for consensus errors, no impact on assembly)
--   uniq-repeat-dove    32115    3.22    14497.21 +- 5914.39                             (will end contigs, potential to misassemble)
--   uniq-anchor          2696    0.27    12048.93 +- 6081.20       3313.77 +- 3790.58    (repeat read, with unique section, probable bad read)
-- Report changed.

I have only 32.57% of unique reads. While this program is still running, I am kind of sure that assembly will not be very good. So, I wanted your advice as where and what I could have done to get better result. Previously, I used 44x genome coverage using Sequel 1, and got a decent assembly, and hence decided to achieve more coverage for my plant.

These are few questions I had-

  1. Should I drop the corMaxEvidenceErate=0.15 option?
  2. I know that correctedErrorRate parameter is used after correction, but not sure where corMaxEvidenceErate is used, during or after read correction? So, Do I need to re-run this analysis from start, or I can use the corrected reads for trimming and assembly?
  3. The pacbio reads used included 44x coverage from PacBio RS II and rest were sequel I. I selected parameters based on recommendations for Sequel I, but not sure if I am correct.

I am not sure if I was able to provide all details, so kindly let me know if you need any further information to get your suggestions.

thank you so much,

with best regards Amit

amit4mchiba commented 4 years ago

Dear Canu Developer,

My run using above mentioned command just finished and the assembly stats are as follows-

-- Finished on Sun Jun 14 19:17:20 2020 (94 seconds) with 14899.957 GB free disk space
-- Found, in version 2, after consensus generation:
--   contigs:      9750 sequences, total length 373106650 bp (including 362 repeats of total length 5629021 bp).
--   bubbles:      822 sequences, total length 18200116 bp.
--   unassembled:  89580 sequences, total length 539711020 bp.
-- Contig sizes based on genome size 410mbp:
--            NG (bp)  LG (contigs)    sum (bp)
--         ----------  ------------  ----------
--     10      173394           171    41141083
--     20      121423           457    82073523
--     30       90671           849   123064508
--     40       70068          1366   164043253
--     50       53390          2036   205016015
--     60       39996          2924   246019688
--     70       29127          4122   287010287
--     80       19556          5833   328019086
--     90        7320          8804   369002202
-- Report changed.
-- Finished stage 'consensusLoad', reset canuIteration.
-- No change in report.

Clearly, with a coverage of 112X, the contig N50 of 53390 bps seems not reasonable. I would be really grateful if you could advise me as how shall I proceed. I am attaching here run report for this assembly attempt.

thanks and regards Amit Canu_Run_06062020_complete_run_report.txt

skoren commented 4 years ago

Fist, NG50 isn't really related to coverage per-se, it's more related to read lengths and genome repetitiveness. However, your corrected and trimmed reads do not look good, they have no clear k-mer peak and as you said, the coverage is quite low.

I think corMaxEvidenceErate is the main issue, you're eliminating most of your overlaps that can be used to correct the reads. The FAQ only recommends the option for genomes with significantly skewed AT/GC content not in general for plants. Unless this plan is <25% GC or > 75% GC that should not be used. You would need to restart the assembly from scratch without that option, you can probably also use corMhapSensitivity=normal given the high coverage as well, that will make the run faster.

amit4mchiba commented 4 years ago

Thanks, Koren. I really appreciate your help. I rerun the assembly with just the default parameters, and results are far better for sure. Now, my entire assembly resulted in under 1000 contigs with N50 over 6Mb. At this moment, using Sequel 1 raw Pacbio reads for plants, this is still a decent assembly I think.

I think the next step would be to optimize parameters. Based on the manual, one straight forward way would be to run the entire assembly process, and then one can use trimmed corrected reads for assembling using different corrected error rate parameters. I have a question about that.

For final assembly process, the assembler first identified overlaps between corrected trimmed reads and then filters based on given corrected error rate parameter (That's my assumption, not sure although). So, this means, for each parameter, the assembler would first create an overlap database and then proceed next. Is it possible to use subset of the first run to test different parameters? I thought that if this is possible, it would save a lot of time and computational resources.

thanks and regards Amit

amit4mchiba commented 4 years ago

I have another question if you could help me please. Towards end of the assembly process, I saw these outputs- -- Starting command on Fri Jun 26 10:22:50 2020 with 1719694.288 GB free disk space

cd unitigging
/lustre7/home/lustre3/amit-rai8chiba/canu-2.0/Linux-amd64/bin/tgStoreDump \
  -S ../GI_24thJune2020_0.045_unitig.seqStore \
  -T ./GI_24thJune2020_0.045_unitig.ctgStore 2 \
  -sizes -s 410000000 \
> ./GI_24thJune2020_0.045_unitig.ctgStore/seqDB.v002.sizes.txt

sqStore_loadMetadata()-- Using 'corrected-trimmed' 0x10 reads. ZERO length suplied to intervalList::add(), ignoring interval. ZERO length suplied to intervalList::add(), ignoring interval. ZERO length suplied to intervalList::add(), ignoring interval. ZERO length suplied to intervalList::add(), ignoring interval. ZERO length suplied to intervalList::add(), ignoring interval.

Is this some kind of error or do we need to provide some length? I have previously used Canu 1.6, but never saw this message, so, was not sure what it means

skoren commented 4 years ago

You can safely ignore those warning.

You can try varying parameters without re-running correction and trimming, especially if you set a high value for corOutCoverage. If you want to get more corrected reads (e.g. 80x instead of the default 40x) you may need to go back to re-run the correction with increased corMhapSensitivity and corOutCoverage.