Closed sfh1111 closed 1 month ago
It looks like the grid doesn't like the memory request from Canu's submission. It's possible you have to adjust the submit command, what is in unitigging/1-overlapper/
You're also using the mhap overlapper for assembly which isn't recommended. I'd suggest removing all the following options:
corOutCoverage=100 \
corMinCoverage=0 \
mhapSensitivity=normal \
overlapper=mhap \
corErrorRate=0.105 \
The cor options aren't used on hifi data and the default error rate and overlapper should be used.
Hi! I was wondering the same thing, how to decrease the amount of memory Canu uses for bigger .fastq files (>10Gb)? I had a 20Gb .fastq file and ended up having to split this up into 3 seperate .fastq files and run in on a 1.5Tb bigmem compute node to run the three files using Canu. Is there a better way to change my script, so I dont have to do this in the future, I have another 39Gb sample? These are viral metagenomic sequences, so I dont know the genomeSize, but 2m has been working for me.
canu_base_command="singularity exec -B /ddnB/work/,/ddnB/project,/project,/work /project/containers/images/canu.sif canu genomeSize=2m maxinputCoverage=10000 corOutCoverage=10000 corMhapSensitivity=high corMinCoverage=0 redMemory=32 oeaMemory=32 batMemory=200 correctedErrorRate=0.16 minInputCoverage=0 stopOnLowCoverage=0 -useGrid=false -nanopore"
Thanks! @skoren
@katievigil not really related to the above as that's a grid submission issue. None of the steps should be using that much memory, which step is taking that much?
@skoren I moved to a new issue thanks for your help!
Idle, looks like an issue with the submit command.
Hi, I am trying to run canu with the following command:
and getting the following error:
Any suggestions?