I have 1654 strains ,each is about 7M. the command is: ./parsnp -g merge.chr12.gbk -d test -c -o test.out2 -p 15.
and the error message is as follow:
|--Parsnp v1.2--|
For detailed documentation please see --> http://harvest.readthedocs.org/en/latest
-->Reading Genome (asm, fasta) files from test..
-->Reading Genbank file(s) for reference (.gbk) merge.chr12.gb..
The following command failed:
/tmp/_MEIBF1c04/parsnp test.out2/parsnpAligner.ini
Please veryify input data and restart Parsnp. If the problem persists please contact the Parsnp development team.
|-refgenome: merge.chr12.gb.fna
|-aligner: libMUSCLE
|-seqdir: test
|-outdir: test.out2
|-OS: Linux
|-threads: 15
-->Running Parsnp multi-MUM search and libMUSCLE aligner..
And then I divided the strains into two folders,and run the former command respectively,it is ok!!! what is happening ?? what should i do ????
I have 1654 strains ,each is about 7M. the command is: ./parsnp -g merge.chr12.gbk -d test -c -o test.out2 -p 15.
and the error message is as follow:
|--Parsnp v1.2--| For detailed documentation please see --> http://harvest.readthedocs.org/en/latest -->Reading Genome (asm, fasta) files from test.. |->[OK] -->Reading Genbank file(s) for reference (.gbk) merge.chr12.gb.. |->[OK] ERROR The following command failed:
And then I divided the strains into two folders,and run the former command respectively,it is ok!!! what is happening ?? what should i do ????