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k-mer based assembly evaluation
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exclude read for HiC scaffolding #42

Closed baozg closed 3 years ago

baozg commented 3 years ago

Hello, @arangrhie

In the VGP preprint, you use for binning the HiC reads. But in my trio project, we only have child hifi reads and parents Illumina reads.

So can I just use the paternal or maternal spciefic reads or using HiFi kmer to get hapmer?

Thanks, Zhigui Bao

arangrhie commented 3 years ago

Hi @baozg ,

Yes, you could try the using HiFi kmer if that is your only option for the child. Then, use the hapmers with the to exclude reads with one haplotype from your hi-C reads.

Thanks, Arang

baozg commented 3 years ago

Thank for the promptly repsone, I will try hapmer.