marbl / merqury

k-mer based assembly evaluation
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Need to add path to /util folder ? #56

Closed aureliendejode closed 2 years ago

aureliendejode commented 2 years ago


I am running merqury on a cluster and for now I made my own installation. I have both merqury and meryl/bin in my PATH, but when I run the following command, I get an error message saying that the program cannot find the "/util/" script.

command: whole_illumina.meryl /proj/snic2020-6-155/canu_new_pacbio_all_third_lib-6-155/purge_dup/canu_purged.fa merqury_canu_purged

Do I need to add this "util" folder to the PATH or is there something wrong in my installation ?


brianwalenz commented 2 years ago

You need to set the shell environment variable MERQURY to the directory that util/ is in.

aureliendejode commented 2 years ago


Thanks! I mixed command lines from Merqury and meryl installations! It is working now. Cheers