marbl / metAMOS

A metagenomic and isolate assembly and analysis pipeline built with AMOS
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RunPipeline: project dir does not exist! #266

Closed jingzhejiang closed 7 years ago

jingzhejiang commented 7 years ago

Hi, I got a problem just like issus #259. But I didn't find the answer there.

RunPipeline command keeps failing, saying that project dir does not exist (even though the initPipeline completes and states that the directory was successfully created).

ubuntu@ip-172-31-1-136:~$ /home/ubuntu/metAMOS-1.5rc3/runPipeline -t -q YES -a idba-ud -o 20 -m bowtie2 -b YES -u YES -p 128 -d /home/ubuntu/Result/ab project dir does not exist! usage: runPipeline [options] -d projectdir -h = : print help [this message] -j = : just output all of the programs and citations then exit (default = NO) -v = : verbose output? (default = NO) -d = : directory created by initPipeline (REQUIRED)

[options]: [pipeline_opts] [misc_opts]

[pipeline_opts]: options that affect the pipeline execution Pipeline consists of the following steps: Preprocess, Assemble, FindORFS, MapReads, Abundance, Annotate, FunctionalAnnotation, Scaffold, Propagate, Classify, Postprocess Each of these steps can be referred to by the following options: -f = : force this step to be run (default = NONE) -s = : start at this step in the pipeline (default = Preprocess) -e = : end at this step in the pipeline (default = Postprocess) -n = : step to skip in pipeline (default=NONE)

For each step you can fine-tune the execution as follows [Preprocess] -t = : filter input reads? (default = metamos, supported = none,metamos,eautils,pbcr) -q = : produce FastQC quality report for reads with quality information (fastq or sff)? (default = NO) [Assemble] -a = : genome assembler to use (default = soapdenovo, supported = newbler,soapdenovo,soapdenovo2,ca,velvet,velvet-sc,metavelvet,metaidba,sparseassembler,minimus,abyss,edena,spades,mira,sga,idba-ud,ray,masurca) -k = : k-mer size to be used for assembly (default = 31) -o = >: min overlap length [MapReads] -m = : read mapper to use? (default = bowtie, supported = bowtie,bowtie2) -i = : save bowtie (i)ndex? (default = NO) -b = : create library specific per bp coverage of assembled contigs (default = NO) [FindORFS] -g = : gene caller to use (default = fraggenescan, supported = fraggenescan,metagenemark,glimmermg) -l = : min contig length to use for ORF call (default = 300) -x = >: min contig coverage to use for ORF call (default = 3X) [Validate] -X = : comma-separated list of validators to run on the assembly. (default = lap, supported = reapr,orf,lap,ale,quast,frcbam,freebayes,cgal,n50) -S = : comma-separated list of scores to use to select the winning assembly. By default, all validation tools specified by -X will be run. For each score, an optional weight can be specified as SCORE:WEIGHT. For example, LAP:1,CGAL:2 (supported = all,lap,ale,cgal,snp,frcbam,orf,reapr,n50) [Annotate] -c = : classifier to use for annotation (default = kraken, supported = fcp,phylosift,phmmer,blast,metaphyler,phymm,kraken -u = : annotate unassembled reads? (default = NO) [Classify] -z = : taxonomic level to categorize at (default = class)

[misc_opts]: Miscellaneous options -B = : blast DBs not available (default = NO) -r = : retain the AMOS bank? (default = NO) -p = : number of threads to use (be greedy!) (default=1) -4 = : 454 data? (default = NO) -L = : generate local Krona plots. Local Krona plots can only be viewed on the machine they are generated on but will work on a system with no internet connection (default = NO) ubuntu@ip-172-31-1-136:~$ /home/ubuntu/metAMOS-1.5rc3/runPipeline -t -q YES -a idba-ud -o 20 -m bowtie2 -b YES -u YES -p 128 -d /home/ubuntu/Result/Abalone/ project dir does not exist! usage: runPipeline [options] -d projectdir -h = : print help [this message] -j = : just output all of the programs and citations then exit (default = NO) -v = : verbose output? (default = NO) -d = : directory created by initPipeline (REQUIRED)

[options]: [pipeline_opts] [misc_opts]

[pipeline_opts]: options that affect the pipeline execution Pipeline consists of the following steps: Preprocess, Assemble, FindORFS, MapReads, Abundance, Annotate, FunctionalAnnotation, Scaffold, Propagate, Classify, Postprocess Each of these steps can be referred to by the following options: -f = : force this step to be run (default = NONE) -s = : start at this step in the pipeline (default = Preprocess) -e = : end at this step in the pipeline (default = Postprocess) -n = : step to skip in pipeline (default=NONE)

For each step you can fine-tune the execution as follows [Preprocess] -t = : filter input reads? (default = metamos, supported = none,metamos,eautils,pbcr) -q = : produce FastQC quality report for reads with quality information (fastq or sff)? (default = NO) [Assemble] -a = : genome assembler to use (default = soapdenovo, supported = newbler,soapdenovo,soapdenovo2,ca,velvet,velvet-sc,metavelvet,metaidba,sparseassembler,minimus,abyss,edena,spades,mira,sga,idba-ud,ray,masurca) -k = : k-mer size to be used for assembly (default = 31) -o = >: min overlap length [MapReads] -m = : read mapper to use? (default = bowtie, supported = bowtie,bowtie2) -i = : save bowtie (i)ndex? (default = NO) -b = : create library specific per bp coverage of assembled contigs (default = NO) [FindORFS] -g = : gene caller to use (default = fraggenescan, supported = fraggenescan,metagenemark,glimmermg) -l = : min contig length to use for ORF call (default = 300) -x = >: min contig coverage to use for ORF call (default = 3X) [Validate] -X = : comma-separated list of validators to run on the assembly. (default = lap, supported = reapr,orf,lap,ale,quast,frcbam,freebayes,cgal,n50) -S = : comma-separated list of scores to use to select the winning assembly. By default, all validation tools specified by -X will be run. For each score, an optional weight can be specified as SCORE:WEIGHT. For example, LAP:1,CGAL:2 (supported = all,lap,ale,cgal,snp,frcbam,orf,reapr,n50) [Annotate] -c = : classifier to use for annotation (default = kraken, supported = fcp,phylosift,phmmer,blast,metaphyler,phymm,kraken -u = : annotate unassembled reads? (default = NO) [Classify] -z = : taxonomic level to categorize at (default = class)

[misc_opts]: Miscellaneous options -B = : blast DBs not available (default = NO) -r = : retain the AMOS bank? (default = NO) -p = : number of threads to use (be greedy!) (default=1) -4 = : 454 data? (default = NO) -L = : generate local Krona plots. Local Krona plots can only be viewed on the machine they are generated on but will work on a system with no internet connection (default = NO)

Thank you for your help!!

jingzhejiang commented 7 years ago

I know what the problem is! all "YES" should be omitted. ubuntu@ip-172-31-1-136:~$ /home/ubuntu/metAMOS-1.5rc3/runPipeline -t -q -a idba-ud -o 20 -m bowtie2 -b -u -p 128 -d /home/ubuntu/Result/ab