marbl / parsnp

Parsnp was designed to align the core genome of hundreds to thousands of bacterial genomes within a few minutes to few hours. Input can be both draft assemblies and finished genomes, and output includes variant (SNP) calls, core genome phylogeny and multi-alignments. Parsnp leverages contextual information provided by multi-alignments surrounding SNP sites for filtration/cleaning, in addition to existing tools for recombination detection/filtration and phylogenetic reconstruction.
126 stars 25 forks source link error #72

Closed Panzenhagen closed 4 years ago

Panzenhagen commented 4 years ago

-->Running Parsnp multi-MUM search and libMUSCLE aligner.. /bin/bash: /tmp/_MEIkrzLEE/ no version information available (required by /bin/bash) ERROR The following command failed:

/tmp/_MEIkrzLEE/parsnp parsnp_out/parsnpAligner.ini Please veryify input data and restart Parsnp. If the problem persists please contact the Parsnp development team. ERROR

bkille commented 4 years ago

This is an error due to out of date binaries from your installation source. They will be updated with the next release of parsnp in the near future. In the meantime, installing parsnp from source has worked for other users who run into this.

bawee commented 4 years ago

Hi Bryce, I'm also getting this issue when running the executable on Windows Substyem for Linux. Trying to install from source with the script installs parsnp version 1.0.1. How do specify the installation of version 1.2 from source?


bkille commented 4 years ago


We've updated the build process to hopefully remedy issues like these. Please try the latest release (1.5.0) and let me know if the issue persists