marblejs / marble

Marble.js - functional reactive Node.js framework for building server-side applications, based on TypeScript and RxJS.
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HTTP Header with case-insensitive header names #311

Closed alexanderbartels closed 2 years ago

alexanderbartels commented 3 years ago

Hi, i've discovered another minor issue.

Describe the bug define content-type: text/html as response header results in duplicate content type header:


To Reproduce create a route that returns a html response like

  return ({
      headers: {
          "content-type": "text/html"
      body: bodyStream

Expected behavior response contains only "content-type": "text/html" as content type header.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context i found this one as a short explainer that the headers in http protocol are case-insensitive:

My use case for a bit more context: I use undici a nodejs http client: All response headers are in lower case letters and my plan is to forward them, as my marble server acts like a proxy in this case.

Workaround For now i can map the content-type header to the upper case one. But this can be tedious process if more headers are affected.

Let me know if i can help with that if you want to improve this.

JozefFlakus commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue.

I'm thinking about a potential solution to this problem but I'm not sure about consequences with the introduction of this fix.

I see two options:

  1. Transform all lower case headers to upper case format -> all outgoing headers will be in upper case format
  2. Don't transform lower case headers but detect duplicates (eg. content-type and Content-Type and always take the last applied header) -> outgoing headers won't be normalized (mix of upper and lower cased headers)

Both options can introduce a potential hidden breaking change to already implemented solutions, but still... is it really a breaking change or rather a bug fix? 🤔 💭

alexanderbartels commented 3 years ago

maybe get some inspiration from other software products:

What do you think about going all lower case as it looks like the default approch for a lot of software products handling http headers. I think this approach has the advantage that it is

Both options can introduce a potential hidden breaking change to already implemented solutions, but still... is it really a breaking change or rather a bug fix?

Based on the HTTP Spec it is a non breaking change. As the headers are case insensitive. But in reality most Applications working with headers might do simple string matching like headers["X-Some-header"] === "Some Value" Application consumed by Browsers should not break. But if a microservice is implemented and consumed by another service this might be a breaking change for them. And some test cases might break as well. As i can imagine that developers don't care about the spec if they test if a header is sent. If i set a header like X-Some-Header i would write my test to expect exactly this header.

JozefFlakus commented 3 years ago

But in reality most Applications working with headers might do simple string matching like headers["X-Some-header"] === "Some Value"


As i can imagine that developers don't care about the spec if they test if a header is sent.

That's the thing that I'm worrying the most.

I would propose to fix it with a minor version release, just to add some extra safety space for developers.

What do you think about going all lower case as it looks like the default approch for a lot of software products handling http headers.

True that. Definitely more performant than the opposite solution.

You can find all relevant server response processing (together with headers management). I think this part has to be refactored/rewritten - I'm not satisfied with how it looks and works like now. Basically the form and logic that you see in these files (skipping some minor improvements and fixes) was not touch since the first initial release.

JozefFlakus commented 3 years ago

@alexanderbartels Safety check - do you wan't to propose a PR? If not I would like to start the work on this issue.

DawidYerginyan commented 3 years ago

Even tho It is technically a bugfix and a non breaking change according to the HTTP Spec I'd opt to introduce it gradually for the ☝🏻 mentioned reasons with service2service communication and test cases. I propose to patch the behavior change under a feature-toggle disabled by default with a sufficient warning linking to the issue, stating that It is going to be the default behavior in the X upcoming version and introduce it as a breaking change in the next minor/major.

One option would be to control it with an env variable, something like


Considering that the change affects only the HTTP server, It could also be a temporary optional server factory parameter

import { createServer } from '@marblejs/core';

const httpServer = createServer({
  options: {
    caseInsensitiveHeaderNames: true,
alexanderbartels commented 3 years ago

sorry for the late response - its a bit crazy at work currently. @JozefFlakus if you haven't started yet, i can have a look at this in the upcoming weekend.

I like the idea from @DawidYerginyan to use a feature flag. I think an env variable would be a proper choice. With this solution the code must not be touched twice.

JozefFlakus commented 2 years ago

Closing because the improvement is available in v4.0 release candidate.