marc2332 / freya

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enhancement: Pointer events #201

Closed marc2332 closed 1 year ago

marc2332 commented 1 year ago

Create a new set of events that unify the mouse and touch events

More info:

Tropix126 commented 1 year ago

Just looking at some existing things:

Generally from what i've seen:

marc2332 commented 1 year ago

Just looking at some existing things:

* On web platforms, specifically `click` events are tied to keyboard, touch, pen, and mouse-related behavior. Other mouse events  (e.g. `mouseup`) can only be triggered by the mouse (not touch).

  * A `click` event is fired if either Enter is pressed or Space is released when a focusable element is in focus, a touch release is registered within a specific time-frame, or the left mouse button is released.
  * To unify other types of input and avoid adding separate listeners for different types of input, there's currently a [W3C proposal]( for _pointer_ events that combines all types of pointing device input (pen/mouse/touch) into one set of events. For example, `onpointerdown` would fire when both onmousedown and ontouchdown would.

    * React native supports pointer events experimentally.

* Since Qt5, there's been PointerEvent support along with raw mouse events. Qt's native button component, `QPushButton` has a `clicked` listener that acts simiarly to how `onclick` works in browsers.

* egui's `clicked()` method seems to respond to touch events.

* Both Xilem and Druid don't support touch yet, but Iced has a `pressed` event that fires both from touch and mouse.

* Slint uses pointer events under the hood for their `TouchArea` element.

* [GTK's `click` event]( works similar to the previous cases, and is derived from its button's `activate` event.

* SwiftUI's buttons have an `action` argument that fires whenever the button is clicked or pressed.

Generally from what i've seen:

* Most toolkits tend to keep events specifically labeled as "mouse-events" mouse-only. E.g. `onmousedown` can't be triggered from touch.

* Some also have more general "pointer" events that handle both mouse and touch (and pen) simultaneously so people don't have to maintain separate listeners for each type of input.

* The "click" event (which is sometimes called a `pressed` or `action` event) isn't specific to just mouse input, and can be triggered a few ways.

Nice, thanks for this explanation 😄 💯

Pointer events are the way to go IMO, I had a look at them a few months ago and I liked them