marcaaron / yes-on-1600

Yes on 1600 / Whole Washington / Health Insurance Calculator
5 stars 7 forks source link

Formatting: Number of Adults // Feature Request: Allow explicit declaration or font sizes and/or custom classes for tip-box content #35

Closed marcaaron closed 6 years ago

marcaaron commented 6 years ago

"Click Next and we’ll review what you get to eliminate from your current expenses."

the word eliminate should appear in bold. edit this questions tip with a <strong> tag.

Another request made is that the overall font size of this tip in particular be bumped up.

Currently, the tip boxes all share a common class under className="tip". This seems like a good opportunity to add flexibility to the app by allowing users to explicitly declare either font size or a custom class to style things how they want - or perhaps both. Open to thoughts on the best way to handle this. As a quick-fix a class could potentially be added to the tip content itself by wrapping it in a <span class="custom-class">, but this is perhaps not the best possible solution. Thoughts?

marcaaron commented 6 years ago