It has been suggested that we give users a heads up as to what information is needed prior to diving into the calculator as user's are reporting that they don't have the necessary information and end up bailing on the app when they hit a snag.
"Individuals: To get the most accurate results, grab last year's Tax Return, a paystub that includes insurance premium deduction and an estimate of your out-of-pocket healthcare costs.
Business Owners: grab your HR person or accountant. "
While these buttons are currently living on the main App.js component they can (and perhaps should) be broken out into a separate component.
I'm not entirely sure where the best place to put this text would be? A small note under the button itself seems to make the most sense to me, but it should probably feel like a note vs. contained within the button itself.
It has been suggested that we give users a heads up as to what information is needed prior to diving into the calculator as user's are reporting that they don't have the necessary information and end up bailing on the app when they hit a snag.
"Individuals: To get the most accurate results, grab last year's Tax Return, a paystub that includes insurance premium deduction and an estimate of your out-of-pocket healthcare costs.
Business Owners: grab your HR person or accountant. "
While these buttons are currently living on the main
component they can (and perhaps should) be broken out into a separate component.I'm not entirely sure where the best place to put this text would be? A small note under the button itself seems to make the most sense to me, but it should probably feel like a note vs. contained within the button itself.