marcaaron / yes-on-1600

Yes on 1600 / Whole Washington / Health Insurance Calculator
5 stars 7 forks source link

Add */disclaimer to and Re-Format Business Results Page #4

Closed marcaaron closed 6 years ago

marcaaron commented 6 years ago

"Results are estimated based on the company size provided. Please for more information." with being a link to email an info/help desk that can provide a consultation. we could also pre-populate a subject line/content to that email if that makes sense, like: "Hi, I'd like to learn more about how the I-1600 Universal Healthcare Bill will affect my business." -erika

- Requires appropriate contact information to take action

"A company your size in Washington would save on average [$]. maybe something like that. Also if the number is negative maybe use absolute value and change the title to something like: "Total Annual Contribution(to cover all employees)" - Ryan

marcaaron commented 6 years ago