marcaaron / yes-on-1600

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Remove the information 'i' icon from Number of Adults step #61

Closed couchpilotnye closed 6 years ago

couchpilotnye commented 6 years ago

Remove the information 'i' icon from Number of Adults step

In all other cases, the i is used to give details on what's being entered. For this step, no help is needed and we're just setting the user up for the next step.

marcaaron commented 6 years ago

The icon is going to render for every question that has a tip. This will require some conditional rendering logic for the icon and probably a modification of the questions.js file to add a property to either every question with tip text or just the one question we're trying to modify.

We could add a showIcon: false flag to the Number of Adults question then in the Question.js component we'd want to render the icon if there is no such flag. Open to other suggestions.