marcderbauer / songcrawler

Crawl Spotify and Genius for all the songs of your favourite artist!
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album uses wrong uri when querying song #16

Closed marcderbauer closed 1 year ago

marcderbauer commented 1 year ago

uses the song uri instead of the album uri. Added a TODO in the right spot for that.

This can only be solved by adding the album_uri as a property to songs. Might want to delete that before saving though....

Created via Raycast

marcderbauer commented 1 year ago

This occurred while working on issue #11 , adding additional uris

marcderbauer commented 1 year ago

I think for now I'm just passing uri=None if I'm instantiating an Album from a Song object. Not ideal, but this will only occur when querying a single song anyway. Could add the album uri somehow, but would probably have to change the architecture for that and that's not worth it for now.