marcderbauer / un_sec_council

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Spike non-standard Meeting Transcripts #1

Open marcderbauer opened 3 weeks ago

marcderbauer commented 3 weeks ago

80-90% of meeting transcripts should be extracted correctly now

There are some which need to be handled separately:

Almost all of these can be inferred by filename. There could be a nice high-level if/else regex mechanism to deal separately with each of those. This could go in the process_document function. In the spirit of incrementality, we could also just skip these cases for now.
The only one which can't be inferred by title are the Official Communiqués. For these you need to open the file first. Nevertheless, they can be identified with the _is_communique_of_closed_meeting function.

marcderbauer commented 2 weeks ago


Not all pdfs I understood to be letters are actually letters.

S_2020_914.pdf is very much a letter


S_2020_994.pdf is a Report


Also S_2020_1236.pdf seems to be broken


S_2020_994.pdf seems to be the only report. Will just skip / remove this one and assume that S_d{4}_d+.pdf signifies letters

marcderbauer commented 2 weeks ago


Each extracted file should have a high-level field type which indicates the pdf_type


Information that can be extracted


Might just skip doing this for now. There's only 5 Agendas downloaded and they don't really carry much info


Same as regular transcriptions. Maybe best to keep them separately for now. Just need to sure the file / naming system can handle the filename.


Information that can be extracted