marcdotson / conjoint-ensembles

Using clever randomization and ensembling strategies to accommodate multiple data pathologies in conjoint studies.
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Investigate using Pathfinder #72

Open marcdotson opened 2 years ago

marcdotson commented 2 years ago

Let's document in Writing, using the mle-optimize branch, what cmdstanr is doing when $optimize() finds the MLE. What does this mean for hierarchical models?

marcdotson commented 1 year ago
Screen Shot 2022-08-12 at 4 00 17 PM
marcdotson commented 11 months ago

Instead, use the pathfinder branch to try and implement this new variational approximation method.

marcdotson commented 11 months ago

Currently requires using the release candidate:

cmdstanr::install_cmdstan(version = "2.33.0-rc1", cores = 4)

And possibly a workaround for it not being implemented in cmdstanr yet?

run_pathfinder = function(data,mod){
    data_file = tempfile(fileext='.json')
    output_file = tempfile(fileext='.csv')
        command = mod$exe_file()
        , args = c(
            , 'data'
            , paste0('file=',data_file)
            , 'output'
            , paste0('file=',output_file)
        , echo_cmd = T
        , stdout = ""
        , stderr = "2>&1"

        paste0("grep '^[#l]' '",output_file,"'")
        %>% system(intern=T)
        %>% strsplit('\n')
        %>% unlist()
    ) -> header
    header_nlines = which(stringr::str_starts(header,'lp'))
    found_samples_col_names = unlist(strsplit(header[header_nlines],','))
            cmd = paste0(
                "tail -n+"
                , header_nlines + 1
                , " '"
                , output_file
                , "' | grep -v '^[#]' --color=never"
            , data.table = FALSE
            , sep = ','
            , header = F
            , col.names = found_samples_col_names
            , colClasses = list(numeric=1:length(found_samples_col_names))
        %>% as_tibble()
    ) ->
marcdotson commented 11 months ago

That doesn't work. Keep an eye out for Pathfinder being implement in cmdstanpy first.