marcelGoerentz / Threadfin

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Ability to change the DVR IP #15

Closed Renkyz closed 2 weeks ago

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Hi, I've been using your fork of Threadfin ever since the original version introduced past v1.1.12 where the remote interface could not be accessed on any machine besides the localhost. I had been using your version 1.1.15 for a while and tried updating to 1.2.0 when you released it, but it changed my DVR IP from the machines local IP (in my case to localhost For some reason, this let me retrieve my m3u playlist in VLC media player, but none of the channels actually played anything. I checked my logs and saw that there were not even any requests to load a channel, so I went back to the version that was working.

I've just tried v1.2.3 and found the behaviour is still the same, so I found the settings.json file to see if there was a way to change the DVR IP but I only found a way to change the listening IP, which as far as I can tell just sets which IP's are allowed to access the web interface.

Is it at all possible for you to add in a way to configure the DVR IP?

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Interestingly, I just noticed after re-launching my 1.1.15 version that in the log, it states the DVR IP. 2024/08/10 03:08:38 [Threadfin] DVR IP: But if I look in the web interfaces settings page and click server information, I see the local IP of the machine. Capture

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

Hi, I will investigate this.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

Interestingly, I just noticed after re-launching my 1.1.15 version that in the log, it states the DVR IP. 2024/08/10 03:08:38 [Threadfin] DVR IP: But if I look in the web interfaces settings page and click server information, I see the local IP of the machine. Capture

There is a bug when showing the DVR IP in the console. The output is using the systems IP address. The system info should always show a valid IP address that is not loop back address.

When you are entering the machines IP address with the port you are using for Threadfin in your browser like this: Are you retrieving a XML file?

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

The listening IPs option is not only for the web interface. It is for every other function, too. So maybe there is a issue in your configuration. I will adapt the description so it will be more clear that this option will restrict all services and not only the web interface.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for the replies. I have listening IP set to nothing in my settings.json (that's just how it has always been for me). I'll share that part of my config here for you to see:

"language": "en", "log.entries.ram": 500, "m3u8.adaptive.bandwidth.mbps": 10, "": 1000, "port": "34400", "ssdp": true, "temp.path": "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\threadfin\", "tuner": 10, "update": [ "0000" ], "user.agent": "Threadfin", "uuid": "2023-11-9MFQ-X9T1CJ", "udpxy": "", "version": "0.5.0", "xepg.replace.missing.images": true, "": false, "ThreadfinAutoUpdate": false, "storeBufferInRAM": true, "listeningIp": "", "forceHttps": false, "httpsPort": 443, "httpsThreadfinDomain": "", "httpThreadfinDomain": "", "enableNonAscii": false, "epgCategories": "Kids:kids|News:news|Movie:movie|Series:series|Sports:sports", "epgCategoriesColors": "kids:mediumpurple|news:tomato|movie:royalblue|series:gold|sports:yellowgreen", "dummy": false, "dummyChannel": "", "ignoreFilters": false

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

I've always ran my Threadfin on the same machine I run my Plex server and just used that machines local IP for everything ( in my case). The way I load my channels in VLC for testing reasons is by starting a network stream with this URL:

On your fork of v1.1.15, this works fine and as expected. But on your more recent versions (I've only tried v1.2.0 and v1.2.3) that exact same URL will still load the channels in VLC, but all of them fail to play and I get no log of my client trying to play anything in the web interface.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

If there are any more relevant details I might be able to provide that you can think of, please let me know.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

I always thought that the listening IP field was for setting which IP address should be able to access the web interface and that's it, maybe I'm wrong on this?

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

So I tried setting 2 IP addresses in the listening IP field, like so: "listeningIp": ";", But when I start Threadfin, I see an error in the log. Capture I tried loading the channels in VLC on the machine with the address ending in .100 and as you can see, it servers the m3u, but still nothing plays. I'm not sure what else to try.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

I just tried loading the channels on the hosting machine itself using the same URL I always have and also and it fails in a different way, won't even retrieve the m3u channel list.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

I just restarted the machine in case that was causing an issue but I have the same behaviour still. I'll stop messing around and wait for any troubleshooting diagnosis steps you might have forme to try. All I know is v1.1.15 works fine for me haha.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

So I tried setting 2 IP addresses in the listening IP field, like so: "listeningIp": ";", But when I start Threadfin, I see an error in the log. Capture I tried loading the channels in VLC on the machine with the address ending in .100 and as you can see, it servers the m3u, but still nothing plays. I'm not sure what else to try.

It seems like the IP that you have provided is not used on your machine.

Can you tell me what will be printed if you are running ifconfig / ipconfig?

Nevertheless, if there is no entry in the listening IP option than everything should run fine.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

I see that you are not using ffmpeg or vlc for buffering. I will check if there is a bug.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

I see that you are not using ffmpeg or vlc for buffering. I will check if there is a bug.

I've just tested it, and for me it is working without any issues.

I think there ipconfig will give us the answer.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

The IP definitely is the for the machine I'm using, and I do in fact use FFMpeg for buffering, I've also used VLC before as well. Capture

This screenshot is from my primary PC, the one I usually load my channel list in VLC media player with.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

I didn't bother sending my entire settings.json file as I have a few playlists and the file is rather long, so I only included the relevant part from the bottom of the file.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

And here is a screenshot of the IP's from my server machine Capture

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

The web interface is accessible for me via on every machine connected to my local network.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

Well this shows at least why the failure has been shown.

The web interface is accessible for me via on every machine connected to my local network.

So far so good!

But still no stream is working? Have you tried using one of the URLs from the created m3u file?

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

I have currently reverted back to v1.1.15. All my tests on v1.2.3 without changing any of my settings result in me still being able to retrieve the m3u playlist in VLC, but the channels themselves don't play anything. I will try enable logger in VLC to see what it is saying on v1.2.3.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

-- logger module started -- main: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface. main: playlist is empty access error: HTTP connection failure main error: connection failed: Connection refused by peer http error: cannot connect to access error: HTTP connection failure main error: connection failed: Connection refused by peer http error: cannot connect to access error: HTTP connection failure main error: connection failed: Connection refused by peer http error: cannot connect to access error: HTTP connection failure main error: connection failed: Connection refused by peer http error: cannot connect to access error: HTTP connection failure main error: connection failed: Connection refused by peer http error: cannot connect to access error: HTTP connection failure http error: cannot connect to -- logger module stopped --

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

This must be because on v1.2.3, the DVR IP is set to localhost. But on v1.1.15, it is set to the local IP assigned by my router to that machine (, as shown in my very first screenshot I sent at the beginning of this thread.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

On v1.2.3 it looks like this in the server information. Capture

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

What is even more frustrating is that after closing v1.2.3 and going back to v1.1.15, I have to restart my whole server machine to get it (Threadfin) working again hahaha.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

A log from VLC while using v1.1.15 and trying to simulate the v1.2.3 behaviour by skipping channels before they can buffer and play.

-- logger module started -- main: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface. main: playlist is empty main: Status file authenticated mpeg4audio: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 24000 avcodec: Using D3D11VA (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, vendor 10de(NVIDIA), device 2204, revision a1) for hardware decoding direct3d11 error: SetThumbNailClip failed: 0x800706f4 -- logger module stopped -- -- logger module started -- main: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface. main: playlist is empty access error: HTTP connection failure http error: cannot connect to access error: HTTP connection failure http error: cannot connect to access error: HTTP connection failure http error: cannot connect to mpeg4audio: AAC channels: 2 samplerate: 24000 avcodec: Using D3D11VA (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, vendor 10de(NVIDIA), device 2204, revision a1) for hardware decoding direct3d11 error: SetThumbNailClip failed: 0x800706f4 -- logger module stopped --

As you can see, the IP is now correct and when I stop skipping channels before they can load, it plays just fine.

The issue certainly is Threadfin saying the DVR IP is So all my clients are trying to connect to channels as if their machine was the one hosting them or something like this. Hopefully this is all the information necessary. But I am of course happy to test other settings if you have any suggestions for me.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

Can you send a picture of the xml that will be retrieved from the browser when connecting to this url: Http:// Would be great if you could send for both versions then the fix should be easy. Thanks in advance!

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Capture Capture2

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Oops, forgot to include the URL bar in the 2nd screenshot, but I promise it's the same haha. All I did was close my 1.1.15 exe and open the 1.2.3 exe and then refresh the browser window.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I think this will be an easy fix and I will ping you when there is a new beta where it is fixed.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Awesome, hopefully not too much work and thanks very much for your time. I appreciate your fork of Threadfin and the work you have done on it :)

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your kind words! I've pushed a new beta recently. Please check if the bug has been fixed 😄

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Just tested it and I still have an issue with it but only because I have 2 Ethernet ports on my motherboard I think. Threadfin picked the wrong network adapter and so my DVR IP is now which is my 10 gig port that is directly connected with a Cat 5e cable to my primary PC, which also has 2 ethernet ports. So I suppose I have 2 questions now.

  1. Does Threadfin have a setting to let me tell it which network adapter it should be using? (Might be possible with 3rd party tools such as ForceBindIP)
  2. How hard would it be to implement such a setting?

I'll try test now with ForceBindIP from the OBS developers and see if I can make that work on startup for when my system reboots.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Ok I suppose that ForceBindIP idea was a bit optimistic, hahaha. Unfortunately, Threadfin is still insisting on choosing as the DVR IP, instead of

Renkyz commented 1 month ago


Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Even unplugging that direct link ethernet cable didn't help. I think the only thing that would work is disable that ethernet adapter entirely, but I think I'd rather stick with v1.1.15 if that's the case haha.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

I guess I will have to add an option where the user can choose the preferred interface. If nothing has been chosen Threadfin will pick the first interface found.

So this is not only a bug anymore and will be an enhancement also.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

Hey, I think I found a solution. Write your IP in the domain setting. That should do the trick

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the terribly slow reply. I ended up having a really big day yesterday haha. I currently have a user watching TV so I'll try set up a testing environment on a spare PC and get back to you with results ASAP.

Renkyz commented 1 month ago

You sir, are an absolute legend. I just set up the latest stable v1.2.3 (not the beta) on a spare PC of mine and configured it all exactly the same as my primary server, just being sure to change file paths etc to account for now running on a different machine. I first tested without adding my IP to the Threadfin Domain field in Settings as you suggested, just to be sure I had the same behaviour. And sure enough, it said my DVR IP was localhost and although I could retrieve the m3u playlist on my primary desktop, all the channels just kept on skipping and there would be nothing in logs indicating I was trying to play channels. I then set my testing PC's local IP in the domain field, saved the settings and restarted Threadfin. It worked immediately! I can't believe it was that simple! hahahaha. Maybe all you need to change now is add an info-tip to that field in settings or rename it to better describe what it can be used for. I still think the ability for users to choose which interface Threadfin runs on could be useful to some people, but for now I believe for my personal needs, I can move forward with using your latest release and just adding the IP I want to use in Threadfin Domain field. Thanks again! I'll leave this open in case there is anything else that needs discussing further but I'm happy for it to be closed when you are ready as I don't think I have anything else to add now that it's working again for me haha.

PilaScat commented 1 month ago

when I try to restore the old ip (cleaning the entry), it doesn't return to the default one, and this is a problem, could you fix? and probably if docker changes ips, cause this to not update and break

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

If there is only one interface then there is no problem. I guess I‘ve to add an option to select the correct IP. This will take some time to consider the best way and implement it.

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

when I try to restore the old ip (cleaning the entry), it doesn't return to the default one, and this is a problem, could you fix? and probably if docker changes ips, cause this to not update and break

Even after a restart?

PilaScat commented 1 month ago

when I try to restore the old ip (cleaning the entry), it doesn't return to the default one, and this is a problem, could you fix? and probably if docker changes ips, cause this to not update and break

Even after a restart?

unfortunately not

PilaScat commented 1 month ago

for now I solved setting the default ip manually

marcelGoerentz commented 1 month ago

I think I will modify the listening IP option into a form where the user can select single or multiple IP address where the binding will bind on next start. If none of the selected IPs matches the actual IPs found threading will then bind to every address and will inform the user in the log about it.

Sounds this like a possible solution to the issue?

marcelGoerentz commented 3 weeks ago

I've released a new beta, please tell me your thoughts on it, regarding this feature request. I will add a cancel button so nothing will be saved when closing the dialog.

Renkyz commented 3 weeks ago

Sounds good. I have some time now so I'll take a look immediately.

Renkyz commented 3 weeks ago

I don't seem to be able to find the beta for download. I can't remember where I found it last time either haha.

marcelGoerentz commented 3 weeks ago

Try this link:

Renkyz commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks mate :)