Open Isoris opened 6 months ago
Here are the annotation results:
Could suggest some next steps? also do you think I rather use the ONT hifiasm asm as input or start from the ONT reads instead? ?
Thank you for your help :)
Do you think that there could be contamination in the nanopore data?
I have assembled a mitogenome with mitoHiFi using a reference genome from a closely related species, starting from Hifiasm contigs, I could get the final.mitogenome.fasta , then I remapped HiFi reads as follows:
`` minimap2 -t 32 -ax map-hifi --secondary=no final_mitogenome.fasta ../../../00-raw_data/hifi/CM_M_HIFI_None_reads.fastq.gz | samtools view -@ 32 -bhS - | samtools sort -@ 32 -o final_mitogenome.fasta.hifi.aligned.sorted.bam
index the bam files with samtools index
for file in *.bam do samtools index -@ 16 --bai ${file} -o ${file}.bai bedtools genomecov -ibam ${file} -bg > ${file}.coverage.bedgraph.bed done
igv -g final_mitogenome.fasta final_mitogenome.fasta.hifi.aligned.filtered.sorted.bam `` however, I could see that there are some inconsistencies in the sequence:
Do you have any idea why is it happening?
Below is the gb annotation file:
in the region from 700- 8000 there is no annotations for any genes or anything. I can see tRNAs from 0-700 and from 11,000 to the end ~26,000
Thank you in advance for your answers and help :)