marcelhoffs / input-switcher

Switch inputs with hidapitester (Windows & Linux)
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I can't get my MX Mechanical Working. #33

Open bad-brad opened 7 months ago

bad-brad commented 7 months ago

Here is the script on my Windows box:

            @echo off

            rem Switch MX Master 3S to channel 2
            .\hidapitester.exe --vidpid 046D:C548 --usage 0x0001 --usagePage 0xFF00 --open --length 7 --send-output 0x10,0x01,0x0a,0x1b,0x01,0x00,0x00

            rem Switch MX Mechanical to channel 2
            .\hidapitester.exe --vidpid 046D:C548 --usage 0x0001 --usagePage 0xFF00 --open --length 7 --send-output 0x10,0x02,0x09,0x1e,0x01,0x00,0x00

My MX Master 3S switches fine but my MX Mechanical doesn't switch. I have tried channels 0-9 and I still get this output:

          C:\Program Files\InputSwitcher>switch_to_2.bat
          Opening device, vid/pid:0x046D/0xC548, usagePage/usage: FF00/1
          Device opened
          Writing output report of 7-bytes...wrote 7 bytes:
           10 02 0A 1B 01 00 00
          Closing device
          Opening device, vid/pid:0x046D/0xC548, usagePage/usage: FF00/2
          Device opened
          Writing output report of 7-bytes...wrote -1 bytes:
           10 01 09 1E 01 00 00
          Closing device

Please advise.