marceljuenemann / angular-drag-and-drop-lists

Angular directives for sorting nested lists using the HTML5 Drag & Drop API
MIT License
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[FF, IE, Safari] Cannot select textarea content with mouse #403

Open mjohn86 opened 7 years ago

mjohn86 commented 7 years ago


We have a usercase were it is not possible to mark/select text inside a textarea when using this plugin.

The markup is basically:

<div dnd-list>
  <section dnd-draggable>
      <article dnd-draggable>

As you can see, we have nested items, which seems to work. I've seen this issue posted before, but can't seem to final the right solution? The demo ( has the same issue, where users can't select the labels.

A good suggestion anyone, or should I accept that this plugin has limitations?

thomasmost commented 7 years ago

we also ran into the fact that text areas and text inputs are basically disabled by the dnd-no-drag directive in iOS

Goddak commented 6 years ago

@thomascmost - I am working on a similar issue now, I haven't tested by putting 'dnd-nodrag' directly on an input but can confirm that if each input has a parent and you apply 'dnd-nodrag' to that then inputs still work in safari (mobile) and chrome (Linux).. Plus you can use the inputs..

My markup looks like this (pug)(please excuse my poor naming with rows.rows)

    ng-repeat="(index, row) in rows.rows"
    dnd-callback="$apply(rows.rows.splice($index, 1))"
      ng-repeat="(key, col) in columns"

My JS looks like this (This is in a directives linkFn)

scope.rows.rows = [{*data*}, {*data*} ,{*data*}];

vm.onDragstart = function onDragstart (event) {
  // No use for this now but could be used in the future for data
  // or preventing defaults.
  console.log('Started dragging an item', event);

scope.onDrop = function onDrop (dragItem) {
  // Return the drag item and dnd-list will magically add it for us.
  return dragItem;

vm.onInsert = function onInsert (callback) {
  // Use the call back to remove the original item.
  // The item is now removed and has already been added by dnd-lists

Hopefully this might get you moving, it's taken me a good while to figure out how I needed this all setup.

reinildo commented 6 years ago

Hi. I'm not using angular, but I have this kind of problem with ie11, and it was because my body tag had a negative z-index. I just remove the z-index on my css and it worked.

jaymanned commented 6 years ago

@Goddak dnd-nodrag workaround is not working for me. Has anyone found another way around this?

jaymanned commented 6 years ago

Found a workaround. Replacing inputs and textareas with contenteditable spans and divs. You'll have to adjust things like readonly attributes or form submiting. You'll need to bind the ngModel controller using a directive like this one . And you can add placeholder support via CSS.. It's a little bit of work but after that, it works like a charm.

Goddak commented 6 years ago

@jaymanned - Glad you found a solution that worked for you. Mine is still working for me though :D