marcellourbani / vscode-wdio

WebdriverIO test runner for visual studio code
MIT License
5 stars 0 forks source link

Support for other Reporters #13

Open NotTsunami opened 1 year ago

NotTsunami commented 1 year ago


Just stumbled upon this extension by chance. Appreciate your work. Are there any plans to support any other reporters? More specifically, I'm interested in support for the Spec Reporter. The latest version of webdriverio is v8 and the JSON reporter is a third-party reporter and doesn't currently support v8.


marcellourbani commented 1 year ago

Hi @NotTsunami It's a bit of a weird one: I don't use wdio myself, wrote this on a weekend because a friend commented on Twitter about doing it

So there's no roadmap

Had a discussion with WDIO about moving it in their organisation, kind of agreed to it but never happened, I guess it's low in their agenda

I'll probably look into it, but don't hold your breath

NotTsunami commented 1 year ago

Haha! I feel like origin stories for some of the things we write are absolutely random like that sometimes. I appreciate the quick response back!

No worries if it never comes to fruition! I haven't actually used wdio myself prior to this week; I've been exploring different testing architectures for an Electron app I'm working on and wdio seemed like a good fit so I stumbled on this extension by chance. Cheers!