marcelo-mason / PreciousStones

Self-service protection for Minecraft servers
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how can i fix this?? #1056

Open mauerizo-DownyCraft opened 7 years ago

mauerizo-DownyCraft commented 7 years ago

hi, i already install precious stone plugin, but when i make a shop (with signshop) the block that it gives you is a normal block, and i need to put it and take it back to make it work? how can i fix this??

what i need is a plugin to sell protections stones, or how do i make that when someone buy a block from a signshop they just place it on the floor and protect?

marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

Make sure signshop blocks come out with metadata, if the metadata name matches it will work as PS block.

marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

Alternatively you can use the meta-autoset flag on the pstone. But this has other side-effects so its advisable to use only on blocks types that can't be mined from the world.

mauerizo-DownyCraft commented 7 years ago

yeah ty, i am using silverfish stones like protections.

So the only thing i need to do is to add meta-autoset on my pstones?

mauerizo-DownyCraft commented 7 years ago

oh, and wich is the command to add a flag to a ps block? or i need to add it in the config and how?

TY soo much

mauerizo-DownyCraft commented 7 years ago

well here is the thing. i enabled the meta-autoset but when i place the block the first time is not working, if i brake it down and place it a second time it works. how can i make it to work since the first time? ty

marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

Yeah in the config, each pstone is defined by a collection of flags. They are all the in the force-fields list. Just add the flag there on each block.

marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

Here read the first few paragraphs here on how to use flags:

marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

If meta-autoset is enabled then that shouldn't happen. Try restarting the server.

mauerizo-DownyCraft commented 7 years ago

so the problem is, that when i place for first time my ps it doesnt work, but if i brake it and place it down a second time, it works. i want to know how to make it work at the first time

i alredy put on the meta-autoset to true, here is my config

unbreakable-blocks: []
- title: Cubo de cobblestone
  block: '97:1'
  radius: 4
  custom-height: 4
  meta-name: '&bCubo de cobblestone 4x4x4'
  meta-autoset: true
  - '&eprotege un area de 4x4x4'
  prevent-fire: true
  prevent-place: true
  prevent-destroy: true
  prevent-vehicle-destroy: true
  prevent-enderman-destroy: true
  prevent-explosions: true
  prevent-unprotectable: true
  prevent-item-frame-take: true
  protect-armor-stands: true
  prevent-flow: true
  protect-crops: true
  protect-inventories: true
  ?welcome-message: false
  ?farewell-message: false
  ?prevent-portal-enter: false
  ?prevent-portal-destination: false
  ?prevent-portal-create: false
  ?prevent-vehicle-enter: false
  ?prevent-vehicle-exit: false
  ?prevent-teleport: false
  command-blacklisting: false
  can-change-owner: true
  enable-on-src: true
  mixing-group: 1
  rentable: false
  buyable: false
  cuboid: false
- title: Cubo de piedra
  block: 97
  radius: 6
  custom-height: 6
  meta-name: '&bCubo de piedra 6x6x6'
  meta-autoset: true
  - '&eprotege un area de 6x6x6'
  prevent-fire: true
  prevent-place: true
  prevent-destroy: true
  prevent-vehicle-destroy: true
  prevent-enderman-destroy: true
  prevent-explosions: true
  prevent-unprotectable: true
  prevent-item-frame-take: true
  protect-armor-stands: true
  prevent-flow: true
  protect-crops: true
  protect-inventories: true
  ?welcome-message: false
  ?farewell-message: false
  ?prevent-portal-enter: false
  ?prevent-portal-destination: false
  ?prevent-portal-create: false
  ?prevent-vehicle-enter: false
  ?prevent-vehicle-exit: false
  ?prevent-teleport: false
  command-blacklisting: false
  can-change-owner: true
  enable-on-src: true
  mixing-group: 1
  rentable: false
  buyable: false
  cuboid: false
- title: Cubo de ladrillo
  block: '97:2'
  radius: 10
  custom-height: 19
  meta-name: '&bCubo de ladrillo 10x10x10'
  meta-autoset: true
  - '&eprotege un area de 12x12x12'
  prevent-fire: true
  prevent-place: true
  prevent-destroy: true
  prevent-vehicle-destroy: true
  prevent-enderman-destroy: true
  prevent-explosions: true
  prevent-unprotectable: true
  prevent-item-frame-take: true
  protect-armor-stands: true
  prevent-flow: true
  protect-crops: true
  protect-inventories: true
  ?welcome-message: false
  ?farewell-message: false
  ?prevent-portal-enter: false
  ?prevent-portal-destination: false
  ?prevent-portal-create: false
  ?prevent-vehicle-enter: false
  ?prevent-vehicle-exit: false
  ?prevent-teleport: false
  command-blacklisting: false
  can-change-owner: true
  enable-on-src: true
  mixing-group: 1
  rentable: false
  buyable: false
  cuboid: false
- title: Cubo cincelado
  block: '97:5'
  radius: 12
  custom-height: 12
  meta-name: '&bCubo cincelado 12x12x12'
  meta-autoset: true
  - '&eprotege un area de 12x12x12'
  prevent-fire: true
  prevent-place: true
  prevent-destroy: true
  prevent-vehicle-destroy: true
  prevent-enderman-destroy: true
  prevent-explosions: true
  prevent-unprotectable: true
  prevent-item-frame-take: true
  protect-armor-stands: true
  prevent-flow: true
  protect-crops: true
  protect-inventories: true
  ?welcome-message: false
  ?farewell-message: false
  ?prevent-portal-enter: false
  ?prevent-portal-destination: false
  ?prevent-portal-create: false
  ?prevent-vehicle-enter: false
  ?prevent-vehicle-exit: false
  ?prevent-teleport: false
  command-blacklisting: false
  can-change-owner: true
  enable-on-src: true
  mixing-group: 1
  rentable: false
  buyable: false
  cuboid: false
bypass-blocks: []
unprotectable-blocks: []
marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

Yeah I know what the prob is. Trying to find a solution. So the meta-autoset flag is not gonna do it. You either have to get your shop plugin to give out pstones with the name metadata set. Or remove metadata completely from all your pstones, so remove "meta-name" "meta-lore" and "meta-autoset" flags.

mauerizo-DownyCraft commented 7 years ago

any sugestion of a plugin shop i can use?

mauerizo-DownyCraft commented 7 years ago

Also, i wonder if you can add me on curse or skype? "Mauerizo148" to talk faster or something like that

marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

Don't use skype, don't have the time either.

marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

Here's a shop plugin that allows you to sell items with metadata in it. This will work with PS, make sure the name metadata you add to it matches exactly like the one supplied in the meta-name flag in the PS config and you should be good to go.