marcelo-mason / PreciousStones

Self-service protection for Minecraft servers
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Bugged heads #1065

Open andramil opened 7 years ago

andramil commented 7 years ago

It happend on 1.8, 1.9 and 1.11 server. When player place head (item 397:3), and someone not added to cuboid break it holding anvil and place anvil where the head is (he must be verry quick to do it) head become skelleton head (397:0).

Coldene commented 7 years ago

Hi there. Are you sure that person was not the owner of the field and in edit mode while holding an anvil? It's only temporary and is what happens when the glass blocks from visualise expand onto a skull block while in edit mode. Just set the pstone and then tp out of the chunks to let them unload. When you tp back the skulls will be the original again not the plain skeleton skulls. Try with one of your own claims. Place a player skull, expand your claim's border onto the skull. OMG! Demons! Nope. Just a temporary skinless skull. Nothing scary about that...

Ermm if it's not a visualise glass border thing?

Make sure 397:3 is not a prevent break blacklist item or unprotectable if skull/anvil bug. Make sure anvil is not added in a prevent place blacklist if skull/anvil bug. Attempt to add id 144 to something like LWC prevent use so it's locked or use the built in prevent use function of Precious Stones? ` prevent-use:

andramil commented 6 years ago

None of the above. Change was pernament. I spend on this bug more time. It wasnt just PS bug but also happen in world guard region (I had whole skeleton head farm field after some douche changed all grapes into skulls :P) I prevent this with my easy script:

On rightclick with anvil:
    player cannot build at the targeted block:
        Cancel event
        Remove 1 anvil from player's inventory